Membuat Surat Rekomendasi
Untuk mendaftar beasiswa, surat ini adalah hal yang wajib. Untuk kasus Amerika, mereka akan meminta 2-3 (biasanya 3) buah dari dosen atau atasan bagi yang sudah bekerja.
Surat rekomendasi bisa dibuat dalam format bebas, atau menurut format yang sudah ditetapkan oleh universitas yang akan didaftar. Surat yang dibuat dengan format dari universitas bisa langsung dikirim on line. Dosen atau bos tinggal mengisi form yang sudah disediakan dan langsung klik kirim via internet.
Namun untuk fleksibilitas, surat rekomendasi format bebas akan lebih disukai. Apalagi kalo berencana mendaftar lebih dari satu sekolah. Daripada pak dosen bolak-balik ngisi form, mending bikin surat sendiri kemudian diperbanyak sesuai kebutuhan.
Isi surat rekomendasi format bebas setidaknya harus mencakup:
1. Posisi dari pemberi rekomendasi (dosen, pembimbing skripsi, atasan, manajer)
2. Lama pemberi rekomendasi mengenal kita
3. Kualifikasi/kelebihan-kelebihan kita, terutama yang menonjol
4. Garansi bahwa kita bisa menyelesaikan kuliah dengan baik
5. Manfaat kita bersekolah untuk masyarakat atau perusahaan
6. Pastikan tercantum kata “Highly Recomended to..”
7. Tanda tangan, kontak, dan posisi/jabatan
Karena dosen atau bos orang sibuk, tanyakan apa perlu kita membuat draft terlebih dahulu. Ini akan meringankan sekaligus menghemat waktu daripada menunggu mereka meluangkan waktu untuk membuatnya. Setelah draft dikembalikan kita tinggal mengganti poin-poin yang perlu diubah.
Jangan lupa bertanya ke kantor TU siapa tahu mereka sudah punya format baku. Ini akan semakin mempermudah semua proses.
Terakhir, jangan lupa mengirim ucapan terima kasih kepada pemberi rekomendasi setelah berhasil.
Berikut adalah contoh-contoh surat rekomendasi:
Contoh 1
Recommending (YOUR NAME), a student of mine for the past two years is a great pleasure for me. I have taught him (NAME OF SUBJECTS) during his third and fourth year. He is one of the sincere, versatile, and brilliant students.
His meticulous, thought provoking nature and ability to do hardwork make him an excellent candidate for research work. His proficiency and dedicated work during lectures and practicals impressed me. He is punctual and perfectionist about his studies and assignments which place him above all.
His dependable and trustworthy nature, modesty and tactfulness came forward when he was crewmember in our intercollege festival (NAME OF FESTIVAL). As I tried to know more of him, I found that he was selected in (NAME OF SOME EXAM IN SCHOOL DAYS) during his school days.
He has good aptitude and curious mind to be successful in graduate studies. From my heart, I feel he is a worthy candidate for admission to your university. I recommend him with great confidence.
Contoh 2
I know (YOUR NAME) for the past two years. He is a sincere and brilliant student. I have taught him subjects of ‘(SUBJECT)’ and ‘(SUBJECT2)’ in which his performance has been superlative. He scored (GOOD %) in ‘(SUBJECT)’ during his semester examination. He is a promising young student with good academic skills and innate talents.
While answering his queries and doubts during lectures, I found that he has penchant for research work. The diligence and intellectual ability, which he displays during practicals, are a clear indication of his research potential. His untiring industry and his scientific methodology make him unique form the rest. He is doing his final year project (‘NAME’), under my guidance. I have seen his dedicated work and inquisitive nature, which he portrayed during this project work.
Apart from his academic career, he is actively involved in extracurricular activities. He was a member in the inter-college festival (NAME OF FESTIVAL). He has also participated in many college functions and seminars.
I am sure, he is a deserving candidate for research work and I sincerely feel, if given a chance (YOUR FIRST NAME) will definitely attain success in his further studies. It gives me great pleasure to recommend him to you.
Contoh 3
(YOUR NAME) has been my student for the last two years. I have taught him subjects like (NAME OF SUBJECT1), (NAME OF SUBJECT2′) and (NAME OF SUBJECT3). He is brilliant student who shows spark in his undergraduate studies.
Because of his ability to learn subject from grassroots, I rate him as sincere student. I am confident that his concentration, systematic work and great skills in performing practicals will help him to achieve great success. He is a promising young student with a penchant for learning.
He is zestful and a versatile student. He takes part in many college functions. His courteous and reliable nature shines in intercollege festival (NAME OF FESTIVAL) I appreciate his work during his undergraduate years and with full confidence I recommend him to you.
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