Gagal Ginjal - Penyebab, Gejala dan Pengobatan | | | |
Page 1 of 4 Ginjal adalah bagian penting dari tubuh dan itu alasan ada dua dan tidak satu. Bahkan jika berhenti berfungsi orang masih bisa hidup normal dengan satu ginjal. Namun, masalah terjadi ketika menghadapi kedua gagal ginjal. Ginjal mengontrol dan mengelola cairan dalam tubuh dan pada saat yang sama membantu pembuangan limbah dari cairan dari tubuh. Ada banyak penyebab gagal ginjal yang dapat dikelompokkan sebagai penyebab Prerenal; ginjal menyebabkan; Post menyebabkan ginjal; gagal ginjal kronis. Ketika pasokan darah ke ginjal berkurang dikatakan menjadi penyebab Prerenal gagal ginjal. Yang Prerenal dapat menyebabkan hipovolemia berarti volume darah rendah disebabkan karena kehilangan darah; dehidrasi; kurang dari yang dibutuhkan asupan cairan; obat-obatan tertentu dapat menyebabkan hilangnya cairan. Bila ginjal rusak langsung hasil menjadi gagal ginjal itu disebut penyebab ginjal gagal ginjal. Sepsis, obat-obatan, rhabdomyolysis, multiple myeloma dan glomerulonefritis akut akan tercakup dalam ginjal penyebab. Ketika keluar dari air kencing terhambat karena alasan tertentu disebut pos penyebab ginjal gagal ginjal. Obstruksi kandung kemih, kanker prostat atau prostat hipertrofi; tumor dan batu ginjal dapat menjadi alasan yang menghalangi aliran air seni. Gagal ginjal kronis termasuk diabetes; tekanan darah tinggi; glomerulonefritis kronis. Penyakit pada ginjal polikistik; reflux nephropathy; batu ginjal dan penyakit prostat bisa menjadi penyebab kurang umum. Gejala-gejala yang bisa menjadi tanda akan gagal ginjal -- Pada awalnya tidak akan ada gejala yang nyata yang bisa dilihat atau menyadari. Kemudian, asidosis metabolik karena ketidakmampuan ginjal untuk memproduksi bikarbonat akan mempengaruhi metabolisme oksigen dan enzim ini akan mengakibatkan gagal ginjal.
Perawatan akan bergantung pada tahapan di mana orang tersebut. Diagnosis gagal ginjal dan tingkat keparahan yang sama dilakukan dengan mengambil tes darah. Tingkat limbah dalam darah akan membantu untuk melihat betapa buruk ginjal mulai berfungsi. Lebih lanjut, tes urine dapat diambil. Keberadaan protein dalam urin akan mengatakan bahwa ginjal telah berhenti berfungsi. USG dari perut dan biopsi adalah tes lain yang akan disarankan oleh dokter untuk menggali lebih dalam. Jika berada pada tahap bahwa ginjal dapat diselamatkan oleh obat atau operasi kecil untuk hal - hal ini dilakukan untuk mencegah gagal ginjal total. Dan dalam se c mencatat bisa dilakukan, dan kemudian transplantasi ginjal di dipertimbangkan jika kedua ginjal gagal berfungsi cara mereka seharusnya. |
Penyebab Gagal ginjal kronis
Gagal ginjal kronis adalah suatu kondisi yang biasanya Anda bahkan tidak tahu Anda telah sampai ginjal Anda telah menderita kerugian substansial dan fungsi. Seperti dengan sejumlah berpotensi berbahaya lainnya dan penyakit yang mengancam nyawa, tidak ada gejala pada tahap awal penyakit.
Banyak penyakit dapat menyebabkan gagal ginjal kronis, termasuk diabetes dan tekanan darah tinggi. Kebanyakan orang dengan CRF perlu mengambil obat-obatan. Beberapa membutuhkan dialisis.
Gagal ginjal dapat membuat Anda sangat sakit dan memerlukan perawatan di rumah sakit. Sekitar sepuluh persen dari waktu itu, hasil dari reaksi alergi parah untuk obat-obatan. Ini disebut nefritis interstisial. Orang dengan nefritis interstisial umumnya sembuh.Ginjal mereka mulai bekerja normal kembali setelah beberapa minggu. Pasien lain, bagaimanapun, mungkin perlu satu tahun untuk menjadi lebih baik. Pasien kesehatan sebelumnya, tingkat keparahan penyakit, dan hasil biopsi ginjal akan membantu dokter menentukan berapa lama pemulihan akan memakan waktu.
the Kidney Disease Solution home page.
Gejala Gagal ginjal kronis
Gejala gagal ginjal kronis dapat meliputi:
- anemia
- pendarahan
- darah dalam tinja atau muntah
- mudah memar
- berlebihan urin
- tidak mencukupi aliran air seni
- menurunkan kewaspadaan mental
- otot kram
- otot berkedut
- nokturia (buang air kecil malam hari)
- a mati rasa sensasi di ekstremitas
- kejang
- gangguan tidur
- uremic embun beku (endapan kristal putih di dalam dan di kulit)
- kuning-cokelat warna kulit.
the Kidney Disease Solution home page.
Pengobatan untuk dapat mencakup:
- Menghentikan obat-obatan yang menyebabkan penyakit atau yang dapat merusak ginjal.
- Mengobati infeksi dan masalah-masalah lain seperti diabetes dan tekanan darah tinggi.
- Pengobatan lain seperti steroid.
- Dialisis.
- Removal.
- Transplantasi.
What Do Kidneys Do?
The kidneys are organs about the size of your fist that sit not far from the spinal column above the lower back. Unlike the appendix, as one example, they perform a variety of vital functions. Dual kidney failure means death. Luckily, the body provides two and one can do the job by itself. But, what is that job?
The kidneys are often said to be the body’s filtering system, and that is true. They filter what would be toxic substances if they built up inside the body. There is more detail to the story, though.
Even ordinary and essential chemical elements, like calcium, potassium, and others would be harmful if they existed in too-high levels in the blood, organs, and bones. Even ordinary body fluid in the form of water can be lethal if we retain too much. The kidneys are part of a regulatory system that keeps all these to the appropriate amounts.
One way the kidneys perform that function is by balancing what are called electrolytes. These are essentially dissolved salts - sodium and chloride, magnesium and sulfates, and others. Salts are crucial to a wide variety of cellular and muscle processes.
The heart, for example, pumps needed blood that bathes the tissues in oxygen and nutrients. That muscle action would be impossible without something called the sodium-potassium pump. In part, they supply the ‘electrical’ stimulus that keeps that critical muscle working in the proper rhythm. The kidneys play an indispensable role in regulating the levels of sodium and potassium.
They also play a role in balancing the level of acidity in the blood. People read the word ‘acid’ and automatically assume it is harmful. Battery acid burns your fingers. Stomach acid produces an upset tummy. But acid, which at bottom is just hydrogen ions, is essential when it exists at the right concentration. Similarly, the body needs certain alkali (hydroxyl ions or oxygen-hydrogen molecules) to perform other functions. The kidneys keep both from getting too far from equilibrium.
Even pH-neutral water has to be kept at the right amount. It is necessary for all cellular reactions, body temperature control, and other life-sustaining activities. But too much can actually cause cells to expand to dangerous proportions and drive electrolyte concentrations too low. The kidneys work in conjunction with the bladder and other systems to keep fluid levels within healthy bounds.
As part of this activity, the kidneys perform another vital function: they help regulate blood pressure by releasing a hormone called renin. They are part of a coordinated effort among many systems. By adjusting how much sodium is excreted, the kidneys are central to that effort. Another aspect of that system is the level of extracellular fluid volume, influenced by the kidneys’ actions.
The net result of all the kidneys’ behavior is to move urine containing waste products to the bladder through two small tubes called ureters. From there, the bladder takes over to eliminate the fluid waste.
If you’d like to learn more, or reverse your kidney disease visit the Kidney Disease Solution home page. .
To Your Great Health,
Duncan Capicchiano N.D.Kidney Failure: 7 Tips on Lowering High Blood Pressure Without Medication
If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should be well aware of the seriousness of the condition. High blood pressure NEVER magically disappears, on its own… no matter how hard you wish it away. There are hardly any symptoms and it’s difficult to tell whether you do have hypertension without taking a reading every day on a regular basis. However it is even more important to monitor your blood pressure if you have kidney disease / renal failure.
Hypertension is second most common cause for chronic kidney disease in the world, second only to diabetes. Hypertension is dangerous enough on its own, let alone increasing the damage caused to your kidneys. The aim of this free report is to hopefully give those with high blood pressure some real practical tips to apply right away, naturally.
There are of cause several doctor prescribed medications available, which work well, but come with their own inherent problems, the worst being that some also harm the kidneys. So for those of you who prefer to lower your blood pressure naturally (without medication) there are many things that can be done to improve the situation and your overall health.
The following tips will go a long way in assisting to correct the problem. These are things that can be done, quite easily, on a daily basis. They will not cause any type of major disruption to your existing schedule or way of life.
Tip number one: Assemble a support system, consisting of friends and family members. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much this can help. There are actually several things they can do to help… exercise with you, accompany you to doctor’s visits, encourage you to eat healthier, etc.
If they are unfamiliar with the dangers of high blood pressure, take the time to teach them about the condition and let them know how much you will appreciate their ongoing support.
Tip number two: Cut out as much salt from your diet as possible. Studies have shown that less than 20% of the salt consumed by the average American comes from the salt shaker on the table. The other whopping 80% comes from processed foods, eating out, baked goods, and prepared foods. Read the labels on canned goods. Stay away from processed foods as much as possible.
Tip number three: Believe it or not, there is life after caffeine. Do all that you can to cut down on your consumption or completely eliminate it from your diet. Switch to green tea, herbal teas, or just good old plain water. Or if you don’t want to go ‘cold turkey’ try decaffeinated varieties to begin with. It may take a few days to acquire this new taste, but as far as blood pressure is concerned, it is certainly worth it.
Studies have indicated that heavy caffeine drinkers typically have higher blood pressures. They also tell us that, many times, drinking a caffeinated beverage will cause a temporary spike in blood pressure.
Tip number four: Exercise! Exercise stimulates the development of new connections between the impaired and the nearby ‘normal’ blood vessels, so people who exercise had a better blood supply to all the muscle tissue of the heart.
For this reason and after a series of careful considerations, some researchers have observed that exercise can stimulate the development of these life saving detours in the heart. Particularly good for those with past heart attacks! One study further showed that moderate exercise several times a week is more effective in building up these auxiliary pathways than extremely vigorous exercise done twice as often.Tip number five: Deep sea fish! In Athens, Greece, for instance, a study was made to show if there was a direct relationship between high fish diet and lowered inflammation of blood vessels. The results revealed that those who ate more fish than the others had a lower level of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, factors that are commonly used to measure likelihood of blood vessel inflammation. These benefits remained even when the various risks associated with high fish diet were taken into account.
In Perth, Australia, a study had revealed that fish consumption can be used against hypertension and obesity. Researchers of the UWA (University of Western Australia) have discovered that a weight-loss diet which includes a regular amount of fish consumption can be quite effective in reducing blood pressure and improving glucose tolerance.Tip number six: Rhythmic breathing (no not rhythmic gymnastics). It’s time to learn about breathing, because inhaling and exhaling has the power to calm body and mind – Guaranteed! Thousands of years of practice by the yogis cannot be wrong… in fact science has confirmed it. And once in a state of relaxation you can guess what happens next… your blood pressure drops. But it’s not just any old breathing will do.
Find a quiet place (you may be seated or lying down), relax and exhale as completely as possible. Begin to inhale slowly making your belly rise. Now move your rib cage. Now your chest. Hold it for a second. Now, exhale completely, all the air out of your lungs. Try it again. This is complete breathing. Breathe normally for a while, and in the next minute take at least one more complete breath. Repeat the cycle to include 10 full breaths.
Try to do this 2-3 times a day. Especially before you eat as the expansion of the diaphragm actual helps to turn off the fight or flight response and promote digestion. This is also an excellent exercise to do before you go to sleep, especially if you have an active brain at night.
Tip number seven: Meditation: Mediation is a great way to spend time with ourselves; and it is also scientifically proven now in hundreds of studies to change the physiological actions of the body. The greatest of all these actions to de-stress and calm the body, this actively reduces blood pressure at the cause. The best part is you can mediate for as little as 5 minutes a day and still get the great benefits. Give it a try!
If you’d like to learn more, or you’d like to get your hands on the complete system that is guaranteed to remove your kidney disease visit the Kidney Disease Solution home page.
To Your Great Health,
Duncan Capicchiano N.D.
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