Do you know what the connection between NLP and brain? Well, I will explain about our brain first. Our brain operates in four general states determined by the frequency of the electricity generated by the exchange of chemicals in the neural pathways.
These four states correspond to electrical activity in the brain and are defined by frequency ranges on an EEG. Check it out:

1. Beta range (14-35 Hz) – Full Conscious Awareness
In the Beta state, in rapid succession, helping you achieve peak performance. New ideas and solutions to problems flash like lightning into your mind. Beta-centered programs help you prepare to take an exam, play sports, give a presentation, analyze and organize information and other activities where mental alertness and high levels of concentration are the key to success.
Our mind is attentive and uses logic to reason, evaluate, assess, judge, and make decisions. This is the stage used to manage new experiences such as learning or reacting to unrecorded events. You are wide-awake, alert. Your mind is sharp, focused.
2. Alpha range (8-13 Hz) – Hypnotic State occurs
This is a perfect stage to perform rehearsed actions such as artistic performances, sporting competitions, as well as letting general creativity to flow. In the Hypnotic State, you are not really “thinking” in the traditional sense. You are “experiencing” or “letting things happen” without question. This is the stage chosen by most Eastern disciplines and typically used for light meditation.
3. Theta range (4-7 Hz) – Dream State
A period in daily life that lasts a few seconds during the phase of waking up or falling asleep and is the brain’s frequency range that we use during NLP or self-hypnosis. The explanation of this phenomenon is based on the mechanisms of the possible/impossible.
The brain protects the body from most mental or physical practices that it perceives to be impossible to perform, like flying from the roof of your home. However your mind allows you to fly in your dreams during the sleeping stage, because this cannot harm your body. Yet in this state, our mind is still awake and able to perform actions considered impossible and therefore limited at a higher brain frequency.
4. Delta range (5-3 Hz) – Sleep State
Delta is the slowest of all four brain wave frequencies. Most commonly associated with deep sleep. Certain frequencies in the Delta range also trigger the release of Human Growth Hormone so beneficial for healing and regeneration. This is why sleep – deep restorative sleep – the kind that Delta frequencies help induces is so essential to the healing process.
So, what the connection between NLP and Brain?
You have your very own signature brain wave activity, unique to you. It has a rhythm and pattern and it incorporates Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta frequencies at varying levels over the course of a day as your brain modulates them to match your activities.
NLP or hypnosis works because it uses a mechanism already in place. People already think, feel, and act in response to hypnosis everyday, either intentionally or unintentionally. Therefore, NLP will remain at the forefront of human evolution because it is through NLP that people become who they are in the first place. It seems this natural phenomenon is only limited by the boundaries of our own brain.