Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Portals & Integration Architect

IBM Government to Business Template for WebSphere Portal

Template for Building Online Government Services for Businesses

The IBM Government to Business (G2B) Template helps government organizations acceleratethe development of G2B websites and the delivery of services to business constituents. Thetemplate includes a sample G2B website built with IBM WebSphere Portal, Lotus Web ContentManagement and Lotus Forms. The template provides best practice examples for many of theapplication design patterns which are common in this type of portal. All content, layouts, formsand portlets can be customized and configured to meet specific requirements. Source code isincluded. In addition - the template can be integrated with existing systems and content to providean exception user experience for a government’s business constituents.

Why a G2B Portal?
Providing the right climate and services to foster economic growth is a priority for governments ofall sizes around the world. Business vitality means more jobs an increased tax base and citizenwell being. G2B portals have become the critical delivery platform for information and servicesthat the governments need to make available to businesses as well as a platform for collaborationbetween the public and private sector.

Common G2B solution patterns that the template addresses include:
•Delivery of content on programs and policies
•Access to and participation in government agenda items
•Information on grants, stimulus spending and economic assistance
•Visibility into government officials, departments and areas of responsibilities
•Blogs and wikis for creating a forum to convey and discuss important topics
•The ability to register and use of the portal for follow on activities related to businessregistration, grant management, taxes and other business processes.
•Self registration and profile wizard to profile put constituents in touch with relevantinformation and processes.
•Customizable checklists to help guide users through the numerous activities oftenassociated with events like ’on-boarding’ or ‘grants’ and help them keep track of theirprogress.
•Pre-built forms for processes like - grant application, business registration, business numberand name registration and more.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA):
The IBM Government to Business Template leverages WebSphere Portal software's
inherent Web service-based portlet development technology to deliver a SOA-based G2B portalsolution. To help ease customization, portlets are developed with WebSphere Portlet Factory andin some cases Lotus Web Content Management templates. Forms are constructed with IBMLotus Forms and can be easily modified in Lotus Forms Designer. Existing content can beintegrated though the capabilities inherent in WebSphere Portal and Lotus Web Content
Management. Lotus Forms provides numerous options for integration of existing data andbusiness processes and for automating the routing of forms for approval. There are additionaloptions for WebSphere Portal integration with existing systems and data sources using pre-builtand custom connectors, adapters and portlets available from both IBM and IBM BusinessPartners.

The G2B template builds on top of WebSphere Portal, Lotus Forms and Web ContentManagement with some additional assets which are are available on the IBM WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog and included with the Template. These include:
•Business Process Accelerator Framework - for building forms based solution that need tointegrate with WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Process Server and other process andcontent management systems.
•Checklist Framework - a light weight user experience asset for WebSphere Portal fordisplaying work items related to an event and tracking completion. The Checklist frameworkworks with the Unified Task List and Lotus Forms to provide a guided user experience forbusiness processes
•Unified Task List - a work list portlet that provides a view into tasks for a user in WebSpherePortal. The portlet is built in WebSphere Portlet Factory and provides and extensiblearchitecture which allows it to be plugged into any workflow engine. The portlet also “listens”to events from checklists built with the Checklist Framework.
•Self-Registration - built in WebSphere Portlet Factory this portlet provide a set of services toallow a user to establish a user name and password and build a profile which can be used inWebSphere Portal for personalization. Profile building questions can be completelycustomized and are presented in a wizard fashion. Available on the catalog in December2009.

To learn more about the IBM Government to Business Template, please visit:
IBM Government to Business Template Wiki
Pricing and Availability
For Product Information Please visit
IBM WebSphere PortalGovernment Industry Toolbox for WebSphere Portal IBM WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
Note: Product capabilities referenced in this document reflect current capability and may changeat any time at IBM's sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are notintended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way.PREREQUISITIES/LIMITATIONS/SUPPORTED:Hardware and software requirements - see the Government to Business Portal Template Wiki foradditional details

Before installing the IBM Government to Business template for WebSphere Portal, review thehardware and software requirements. Because the Government to Business template integrateswith other software components, you should also refer to the appropriate hardware and softwarerequirement information for each of the components.

Operating Systems
The Government to Business template is supported on the following operation system:
Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 32bit

Software Versions
IBM WebSphere Portal and IBM Lotus® Web Content Management V6.1 or higher
IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1.0.21
IBM DB2® 9.1
IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 6.1.2
IBM Lotus Forms 3.5.1
Web Browsers
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
Firefox V3.0
Mail Server
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) compliant mail server
Available in U.S. English only.

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