Selasa, 05 April 2011

Netbook Marketing

Apple iPad Raises the Stakes in Netbook Marketing

By Lindsy E.
If you think the cell phone wars have grown a little intense, then put on your helmet and fasten your seatbelt, because the netbook wars set to break-out in the spring of 2010 will make the current campaigns look like little more than playground scuffles.
Netbooks generally are designed as pumped-up, buffed-up, super-conditioned, super-charged, turbo-powered, speed-of-light handheld communications devices. In other words, if the netbook market grows as analysts and experts predict, these lightweight marvels of modern digital communications will render the old-fashioned cell phone obsolete. No one intends netbooks to replace laptop computers; instead, in a business person’s arsenal, the laptop and the netbook are complementary weapons, both intended to blow away the competition…and the Blackberry with it.
At least three major manufacturers were poised to debut upscale netbooks in the spring of 2010. Then, Apple Computer unveiled iPad at the January, 2010, tradeshows, and the competition hastily retreated. Experts and ordinary consumers have come to expect everyday miracles from Apple, and iPad still managed to exceed their expectations. iPad combines all of iPhone’s most desirable features, all of iPod’s best sound capabilities, and all of Apple engineers’ latest innovations. The competition purposely has delayed launch of its new netbooks, wisely waiting to see what the final version of iPad will do, and especially waiting to see how much it will cost. Apple competitors planning to use Google Android remain hopeful about commanding a strong position in the market. Windows 7 contractors, not so much.
You have an exceptional opportunity to influence the competition’s outcome. For the next several months, you may test an Apple iPad, reporting your results and making suggestions to the design and marketing professionals at Apple. When you sign-up online and complete a couple of simple marketing surveys, Apple Computers will send you an iPad for your everyday use. When you complete your product trial, the iPad is yours to keep. The product trial enables you to become one of the first to own this state of the art netbook, which will sell for more than $500 when it hits stores in March, 2010.
I have done some research and dug up this new iPad offer for you. Be the first to try out the new iPad.

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