Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Wi-Fi

Sudah muncul Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
komputer mini ARM
fitur bundel jaringan nirkabel (Wi-Fi).
Adnan Adnan Di PCB saya tdk melihat konektor atau strip untuk antena wireless.
Dwika Sudrajat WiFi/BT chip antenna on the top left corner, and two through holes on the right of the 40-pin connectors, likely the RUN header for reset that can be found on the RPi2 where the chip antenna is now placed on RPi 3. So the through holes are not new, the...See more
Dwika Sudrajat
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Tkraspilabs Room Kalau ada perubahan di ram jadi 2G dan ada Nand mungkin lebih cadas
Dwika Sudrajat RAM chip (1GB) as on Raspberry Pi 2. So although we can’t be 100% certain right now, the RAM appears to be the same, and the processor is still connected to a similar USB to Ethernet chip, so they’ve probably kept the same architecture, expect possibly...See more
Lukluk Muhammad Wah, klo 64-bit dg ram 1GB kexnya ga imbang tuh...
Dwika Sudrajat
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Sky Walker Mas mas. Wes baca belum kalo rpi3 bluescreen nya tidak dipublikasikan?
Tkraspilabs Room Oh gitu.. waduh
Dwika Sudrajat
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Maulidan Yulianto ini raspi dua.. kemungkinan belum dikasih tahu gambar kayak gimana. kita tunggu saja..
Tkraspilabs Room Raspberry Pi 3 wink emoticon cek disini gbr ke 2
sumber dari bocoran uji di FCC...See more
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Dwika Sudrajat
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Asnawi D'bhassish harga kisaran berapaan gan?
LikeReply23 hrs
Tkraspilabs Room belum ada harga resmi karena masih di uji di UK sana wink emoticon
UnlikeReply122 hrs
Tkraspilabs Room barusan dapat bocoran dr blog sebelah gosipnya - harganya GBP 26.38 board only
UnlikeReply17 hrs

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