Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015

VIDE Freeman Corp. Florida - Hong Kong - Jakarta with Hiroshi Tochihara and Dwika Sudrajat at Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta.

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Dwika Sudrajat
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We have signed MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT with FACULTY OF ENGINEERING UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA during the event yesterday in Jakarta. This is to be the seeding of our Future Big Tree herein Indonesia.
Faculty Vice Dean, Dr. Ir. Muhamad Asvial, Terima kasih banyak!
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Dwika Sudrajat
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We have hold the memorable business presentation and party in Jakarta yesterday. We are confident to grow our business herein Indonesia with our partners and customers.
Thank you for coming over to our event, Dear Respective All the Guests.
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Dwika Sudrajat
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元章石野 日本の新装開店とは比べようも無い豪華さですね(^O^)/See Translation
Dear customers,
Thank you for coming to the Big Event.
Congratulations, Mr. Tanaka San.
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Dwika Sudrajat
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Wow, huge number of the guests today. We are herein on Enterprise Web Solution, EWS. The annual intra-mart user event.
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Dwika Sudrajat
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Our Shanghai partner meeting press article has been published. Please take a look.
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Dwika Sudrajat
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Thank you for joining our partner meeting in Shanghai today. It was a fantastic time to have cross matching and networking between our partners. The awards were presented to NSSOL, TISI and MBP.
Luis Ohri and 9 others like this.
Dwika Sudrajat
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Dwika Sudrajat san, thank you for leading us to the academic society in Indonesia.
Dwika Sudrajat to Alumni FTUI
14 September
Dekan FTUI : Prof. Dr Dedi Priadi, Wakil Dekan Dr.M. Asvial, dan NTT Data Intramart diskusi kerjasama industri dengan campus
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Dwika Sudrajat
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Dwika San, thank you for visiting our office in Hong Kong. Let's work out together!
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Dwika Sudrajat
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We are at University of Indonesia for the first time. Having discussions with Deans and Professors on the collaboration herein Indonesia. Expecting the great futures!
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Dwika Sudrajat
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