Rabu, 04 November 2015

Linux User Build Your Own ROBOT

Linux User | JPrepuk
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Gilang ada ebooknya pak ?
Dwika Sudrajat Sorry, link nya offline, sedang dicari link source lainnya.
Gilang oke pak
Gilang itu ebook kah ?
Dwika Sudrajat Category: Books
Updated: Dec 01, 2014
Version: 1.1.0
...See More
Gilang maksih banyak om
Dwika Sudrajat Adding Sensors to the Raspberry Pi Camera Robot Kit
Sensors are a vital part of any robotic project, as they allow a robot to get information about the environment in which it’s operating. Without sensors, a robot has no information about the world around it, and it’s very tough to program intelligent behaviours for the robot.
Alfryan Irgie harga bukunya sekitar 70 ribu pak?
Gilang itu bahasa indonesia kah ?
Gilang iya om, gak lihat. Kirain free ebook. grin emoticon saya belum pernah m raspi ada buku yang mudah dimengerti gak om ?
Dwika Sudrajat Mudah mengerti dengan 16 video tutorial di youtube : Raspberry Pi - Tutorial 1 - An Introduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj4pjfU_-jo...

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