Selasa, 12 November 2013

Lynx 111 MCO to Disneyworld

Lynx public transit bus 111 from Orlando International Airport (MCO) to Disneyworld Florida USA

Lynx public transit bus 111 from Orlando International Airport (MCO) to Disneyworld Florida USA 

There is trouble brewing inside Central Florida's public transit agency.
Dozens of bus drivers and bus mechanics pulled out the cardboard signs and protested what they describe as unfair contract negotiations with Lynx, the public transportation provider for Orange, Seminole and Osceola counties.
According to WFTV on Wednesday, September 12, contract negotiations with bus drivers and mechanics broke down with the unions and a special master was called in to make nonbinding recommendations. "Give us what the special master recommended," one protester told WFTV while on the picket line, "We will take it. We will continue to do the jobs we are paid to do as professionals."
Lynx has been on shaky financial grounds for quite some time.
Lynx is the only public transportation provider in Florida without a dedicated funding source. Instead, the public transportation agency relies on its funding through county commissions, which sets aside how much money each county in the system will pay to Lynx to operate it's services. In 2010, Lynx was on the verge of a meltdown because Orange County refused to provide additional funding to offset Lynx rising cost for fuel.
The sticking point in the contract negotiations is in its pension plan. Lynx would like to change the pension plan to require new members to contribute more to their pensions, but for current employees, the benefits will be left untouched. "This is America, and everyone has a right to free speech." Lynx spokesman Matt Friedman told WFTV.
Friedman also told WFTV that Lynx did not want to raise fares and reduce service and feels that the agency has accomplished both of those goals.
Despite Tuesday's protest, the bus and mechanic employees have no intention of lunching a full-fledged strike. "We have no intention of striking. We know that the people who ride these buses need to get to work. They need to go to appointments and they need to go to school. We will never interrupt that," a protester told WFTV.
The Lynx board of directors will meet on September 27 and at the same time, union leaders plan to keep the pressure and return to the picket line.

Parada Buses Aeropuerto Orlando


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