Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Walt Disney Studios Park

Pada Lot & Pada Set

Area pintu masuk Walt Disney Studios Park adalah Lot Depan, terinspirasi oleh banyak studio film klasik dari zaman keemasan Hollywood. Semua elemen kunci di sini: studio gerbang ikonik,soundstages produksi, menjulang menara air ... dengan telinga mouse!

Warna-warna hangat dan rincian kaya dari Lot Depan menyajikan wajah ramah ke taman. Art Deco rincian menggabungkan dengan petunjuk halus dari Mickey Mouse untuk membuat studio unik Disney, sementara bintang-bintang dan pola sorot dimasukkan ke dalam halaman dan gateway membangkitkan rasa kemewahan dan glamor dari Hollywood tua.

Di dalam gerbang adalah La Place des Freres Lumière, area plaza didedikasikan untuk inovator Eropa awal Cinema. Upeti lingkaran mereka alun-alun, yang berpuncak pada Fountain Fantasia di pusat, menghormati kemenangan 1940 sinematik Walt Disney.

Sekitarnya La Place des Freres Lumière semua tema taman khas layanan pintu masuk utama, termasuk Store Walt Disney Studios.Pintu masuk toko yang berpakaian seolah-olah itu hosting premier, lengkap dengan warna merah (genteng) karpet, masuk tertutup untuk kedatangan selebriti dan bahkan royalti Disney di gaun couture mereka. Beberapa bintang film terbesar Disney juga membuat penampilan sini untuk bertemu fans mereka.

Di dalam, dinding Walt Disney Studios toko dihiasi dengan foto-foto dari hari-hari awal Disney sebenarnya Walt Studios, seperti ini gambar dari banyak pada 2719 Hyperion Avenue di mana Mickey Mouse, Silly Symphonies dan Putri Salju dan Tujuh Kurcaci adalah animasi.

Struktur terbesar di tempat parkir adalah Disney Studio 1, sebuahpanggung besar di mana tamu dilalui untuk mencapai sisa Walt Disney Studios Park. Langkah dalam, dan Anda akan menemukan diri Anda pada set produksi yang rumit berjudul, "Cahaya, Kamera, Hollywood!"

Dukungan kayu lapis dari set ini dicap dengan logo untuk kedua studio dan produksi. Langkah melalui ke sisi lain, dan Anda akan menemukan rekreasi film set Hollywood fantasi yang berfungsi sebagai Main Street de facto untuk taman.

Beberapa lokasi ikonik Hollywood tua di sini, dari Derby Brown untuk Farmasi Schwab. Fasad lain terlihat akrab, tapi menghiasi dengan nama unik untuk taman. Penggemar Studios Disney Hollywood mungkin mengenali Crossroads of the World (di sini disebut Kolom Gossip) dan Oscar super Bengkel (dijuluki Gas Kesempatan Terakhir - dengan tidak lain dari Herbie Bug Love pada lift di garasi stasiun).

Di luar fasad, seluruh sisi kiri dari Disney Studio 1 adalah lokasi barang dagangan, dengan fasilitas food court mengambil sisi kanan gedung. Toko tersebut diatur sebagai toko prop, dengan perlengkapan dirancang sebagai bergulir rak untuk memindahkan item ke dan dari set tersebut. Saya sangat menikmati bagian ini, diisi dengan props Mesir luar biasa rinci dan bola mati.

Food court sisi Disney Studio 1 terdiri dari kumpulan fasad menyajikan menyenangkan, sisi kitschy Hollywood, dengan nama-nama tempat seperti Gunga Den, Veranda Carmen, Swankaderodan Hep Cat Club.

Bahkan ada ruang Tiki, pokok Hollywood pada tahun 50an dan 60an. Jika anda terjebak dalam ilusi ", Kamera Lampu, Hollywood!" meskipun, mencapai ujung Disney Studio 1 mengingatkan Anda bahwa Anda benar-benar pada satu set film.Sebuah crane kamera tenun di atas pintu keluar, tertutup dengan dinding dari perbukitan Hollywood. Ini mungkin sebuah bungkus untuk bagian taman, tapi kami Walt Disney Studios Park petualangan baru saja dimulai.


Untuk Sahabat Kita di Jepang

Saya merasa menantang minggu ini untuk menulis tentang rincian dan cerita dari Taman Disney di rumah, ketika hati dan pikiran saya adalah dengan rekan-rekan saya di luar negeri. Gempa Jumat dan tsunami terus mempengaruhi masyarakat Jepang dan akan melakukannya untuk beberapa waktu. Istri saya dan saya mengambil perjalanan pertama kami ke Jepang dan Tokyo Disney Resort delapan tahun yang lalu hari ini. Itu adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa. Taman ada yang spektakuler, dan rakyat adalah yang paling ramah, baik dan bermanfaat yang pernah kami temui.

Semua laporan menunjukkan bahwa pemeran sesama dan keluarga mereka aman, dan ada sedikit kerusakan pada fasilitas resor.Masyarakat sekitar, bagaimanapun, terus berjuang. Untuk itu, Tanah Perusahaan Oriental (OLC adalah perusahaan yang memiliki dan mengoperasikan Tokyo Disney Resort) memutuskan untuk menghentikan operasi di taman dan resort mereka untuk jangka waktu yang belum ditentukan waktu, sehingga pemain mereka dan tamu potensial dapat fokus pada apa yang benar-benar penting sekarang.

OLC adalah membantu masyarakat dengan cara lain. Dibebaskan dari tanggung jawab kerja, Tokyo Disney Resort pemeran telah sukarela secara massal untuk membantu tetangga mereka memulihkan dan membangun kembali. Operasi berhenti juga memungkinkan untuk konservasi air kritis dan sumber daya energi. Untuk membantu melestarikan air sebanyak sesegar mungkin untuk minum, OLC bahkan telah mengambil langkah untuk mengubah atas pasokan air besar dalam Tokyo DisneySea ke City Urayasu terdekat, untuk digunakan dalam pipa dan non-minum fungsi.

Orang Jepang adalah orang-orang luar biasa dan sangat tangguh.Akhirnya, Tokyo Disney Resort akan membuka kembali, dan pemeran tidak akan melanjutkan bisnis menciptakan pengalaman magis bagi para tamu mereka. Sampai saat itu, kita ingin mereka yang terbaik dalam pemulihan mereka.

Jika Anda dapat membantu, silakan melakukannya. Anda bisa disumbangkan ke Palang Merah Amerika langsung melalui merekasitus atau REDCROSS teks ke 90999 (hanya di AS) untuk memberikan $ 10 untuk mendukung gempa Jepang dan upaya bantuan tsunami Pasifik.

The Walt Disney Company telah memberikan $ 2,5 juta pada bantuan kemanusiaan kepada Palang Merah dan telah menawarkan untuk mencocokkan sumbangan pemeran hingga $ 1 juta. Istri saya dan saya telah memberikan kontribusi. Jika Anda seorang anggota pemain sesama, kami mendesak Anda untuk bergabung dengan kami dan memberikan apa pun yang Anda mampu. Anda akan menemukan link yang di pesan dari Bob Igerpada halaman Home Hub.
For Our Friends in Japan

I find it challenging this week to write about the details and stories of the Disney Parks at home, when my heart and mind are with my colleagues abroad. Friday's earthquake and tsunami continue to impact the people of Japan and will do so for some time. My wife and I took our first trip to Japan and the Tokyo Disney Resort eight years ago today. It was an incredible experience. The parks there are spectacular, and the people are among the most friendly, kind and helpful we've ever met.

All reports indicate that our fellow cast members and their families are safe, and there has been minimal damage to the resort facilities. The neighboring communities, however, continue to struggle. For that reason, Oriental Land Company (OLC is the company which owns and operates the Tokyo Disney Resort) has decided to cease operations at their parks and resorts for an undetermined period of time, so their cast and potential guests may focus on what is truly important right now.

OLC is helping the community in other ways. Freed of the responsibilities of work, Tokyo Disney Resort cast members have been volunteering en masse to help their neighbors recover and rebuild. Ceasing operations also allows for the conservation of critical water and energy resources. To help preserve as much fresh water as possible for drinking, OLC has even taken the step of turning over the massive water supply within Tokyo DisneySEA to nearby Urayasu City, for use in plumbing and other non-potable functions.

The Japanese are wonderful people and incredibly resilient. Eventually, the Tokyo Disney Resort will reopen, and cast members there will resume the business of creating magical experiences for their guests. Until then, we wish them the best in their recovery.

If you're able to help, please do so. You may donate to theAmerican Red Cross directly via their site or text REDCROSS to 90999 (U.S. only) to give $10 to support Japan earthquake and Pacific tsunami relief efforts.

The Walt Disney Company has given $2.5 million in humanitarian aid to the Red Cross and has offered to match cast member donations up to $1 million. My wife and I have already contributed. If you're a fellow cast member, we urge you to join us and give whatever you can afford. You'll find the link in the message from Bob Iger on the Home page of The Hub.

Fantasyland at Disneyland Paris

Good vs Evil / Light vs Dark**

One corner of Fantasyland at Disneyland Paris looks considerably more dark and menacing than the rest. This area, inspired by the Black Forest region of Germany, brings to life the Brothers Grimm tale of Snow White. Here, the attraction is known simply as Blanche Neige et les Sept Nains (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) and doesn't have the word "scary" in its title like it does in the States. Instead, the designers used visual clues to let Guests know they could be in for a fright.

Approaching the entrance, the marquee with the carved faces of Snow White & Co. is juxtaposed with sculpted skulls and ravens. Just overhead, the Queen peers down on us from her upstairs window.

As it is in the Snow White film, the attraction presents a contrast between dark and light. A warning about the Wicked Witch comes just before a stone column capped with images of playful squirrels from the woods. A beautiful stained glass chandelier, upon closer inspection, reveals images of a poison apple and a dagger piercing a heart.

The castle-like interior of the queue space is, for the most part, inviting. In one corner, though, is a scene of the Queen's dungeon, complete with her spell book and the box she gave the Huntsman.

Soon, a carriage approaches to take us into the boundless realm of the supernatural... (Wait. Sorry. Wrong attraction.)

The carved wooden benches which carry us on our journey with Snow White are each named for one of the seven little men. We step aboard and glide past a mural to enter the forest for the story. (Curiously, the mural depicts both the Queen and the Witch together.)

Again, the attraction experience is very similar to the other Snow White dark rides around the world. In the end, good triumphs over evil, and everyone lives happily ever after!

The Perfect Storybook Village

Stepping through Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland, you enterFantasyland, what Walt Disney described as "The Happiest Kingdom of Them All." The Fantasyland we know today, though, is a far cry from the one experienced by guests back in 1955. At the time, Walt didn't have the money to do everything he wanted to do with Disneyland, and Fantasyland was a good example. Instead of the fairy tale village he imagined, the inner walls of the castle were instead festooned in bright (and less expensive) tents, banners and flags.

But perhaps the thing Walt loved most about Disneyland was that the park would forever be a work in progress. The medieval fair look lasted for nearly thirty years until 1983, when a Disney team of Imagineers led by Tony Baxter finally transformed Fantasylandinto the village of Walt's dreams.

Today, Fantasyland is a truly magical place, where the stories from Walt Disney's animated features come to life. Each of the anchor attractions in the castle courtyard area is housed in a portion of the village, and each section takes on unique architectural properties influenced by the tales told within.

Peter Pan's Flight takes off inside an English cottage, built alongside a clock tower reminiscent of Big Ben. Take a look, too, at the weather vanes on the rooftops. They're in the shapes of a pirate ship and a crocodile, straight from the story.

Around the bend, the architecture remains English but morphs into a Tudor style with the entrance to Toad Hall. The weather vane here is a silhouette of Toady speeding along in his motor car, just as you're about to do on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Not one for humility, Toad has also commissioned statues of himself to adorn the facade of his home.

Across the way, the architectural styles are less English and more Italian and Bavarian. There's a small puppet theater above the entrance to Pinocchio's Daring Journey, along with a carved wooden toy like Geppetto might have made, right on the peak of the roof. Pinocchio's Daring Journey was a new attraction added during the 1983 reimagining of Fantasyland. It actually replaced the Fantasyland Theater, which had stood on this spot since the '50s.

The stone facade for Snow White's Scary Adventures is especially detailed, with intricate carvings representing both the light and dark aspects of that story. Above the entrance, made to look a bit like the Queen's dungeon, are ominous ravens perched atop skulls. They set an appropriately eerie tone for what is to come. Make it past that point, though, and you'll come to the cottage of the seven dwarfs, where friendly forest animals are carved into the columns of the queue.

In a way, your trip through the queue mimics the adventure to come. You and Snow White have to make it through the dark and scary forest, but will discover light and joy on the other side. Beware, though, for wherever you go the Queen is always watching from her tower perch.

It's a Cinderellabration!

The concert with the PhilharMagic Orchestra isn't the only special event happening in Fantasyland today. In fact, the entire village is holding a spectacular celebration, all in honor of Cinderella, Prince Charming and their distinguished Guests (that's you!).

The celebration carries throughout the Kingdom. There are jousting tournaments, festivals of food and an ornate carousel set up under a beautiful canopy. Even a traveling circus has pitched its tents and brought in an elaborate calliope just for the occasion.

Everywhere you look there are colorful tents, banners and flags to mark the celebratory mood.

Since this is a magical storybook Kingdom, many of those tents set up along the castle walls actually serve as portals, transporting the Guests to other fantastic places: the Dark Forest, the Hundred Acre Wood, London, Neverland and the Seven Seaways for a trip around the world.

Wherever we go within Fantasyland, we're free to enjoy our celebration in peace, secure in the knowledge that the entire Kingdom is surrounded by the protective walls of Cinderella Castle. (Just look closely at all the pictures above, and you'll see.)