Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

APAC International Conference

APSAT 2011 International Conference - Jakarta, Indonesia
Pagi ini saya mendapat email mengenai acara APSAT 2011 yang sudah saya tunggu-tunggu semenjak awal tahun ini. Alhasil karena saya bukan lagi anggota ASSI (student member) dan sudah menjadi pegawai salah satu perusahaan satelit di Indonesia, maka saya kemungkinan besar hanya terima kabar saja :).

Bahasan pada 2011 nampaknya akan lebih semarak dari APSAT tahun lalu dilihat dari banyaknya panelis dan lamanya acara yaitu 1.5 hari. Hadir juga bahasan dari INSPIRE dan IiNusat-nya di acara tersebut. Semoga momen tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan utilitas satelit di kawasan Indonesia.

Berikut adalah detil informasi acaranya:


APSAT 2011
Delivering Broadband Access to Anywhere

Le Meridien Hotel, 15-16 June 2011


The APSAT 2011 is the 10th ASSIs consecutive annual international conference series on the satellite communication aspect and it is a remarkable annual event in Indonesia and it is being acknowledged, recognized and endorsed by international telecommunication societies, professionals and government institutions. ASSI (Asosiasi Satelit Indonesia) or (the Indonesian Satellite Association) is an inclusive non-profit organization, based in Bandung, established in 1998, to promote and encourage the satellite industry, including the satellite community development in Indonesia, through national-international multi discipline collaboration; and to address wide range satellite related issues.

The APSAT 2011 is designed differently, where now APSAT will introduce panel discussion on satellite business from international satellite operators, Indonesian satellite operator, and from satellite trunking provider. This APSAT 2011  will have 1.5 days conference to answer some demand from operator and to address issues on mobilephone trunking which now have a big role in Indonesia.

During 1st day, the conference will focus on satellite businesses, which start from panel discussion from satellite operator and followed discussion on how reduce service cost for satellite services. In the afternoon, we will have discussion on regulation and policy in satellite and followed by discussion on internet broadband via satellite.

On the 2nd day, we will have an update information on mobilephone trunking and we will hear business from provider of trunking service and hearing from celullar operator. It is hoping that we will hear what is the impact on how 3G deployed on demand of cellular trunking, and what if LTE is deployed, whether there will be shard demand on bandwidth.

The Objective

  • A tool to enrich, encourage and support the satellite industry and community development in Asia-Pacific region and Indonesia in particular,
  • A practical discussion medium among the satellite industry experts addressing the eminent and future issues, technology, application, regulatory and business issues focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, through sharing experience, information and idea in the satellite related matters.
  • A medium for future co-operation, business engaging and non-profit mutual collaboration

Registration & information could be obtained at
ASSI Secretariat : Phone : +62(0)22 4521658, 4521657
Fax. +62(0)22 4521657
Contact person : Atien (


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