Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012


by Dwika Sudrajat on Sunday, August 14, 2011 at 12:41pm ·

When you are creating, are you trying to fill a void in the world or are you trying to add something to the world that people hopefully won't mind or might kinda like enough to be ok with it.
be well,

Good Different, Bad Different

Creativity-capacity Creativity is a difficult thing to define. And many people use that word when what they really mean is just different. But is "being different" the same as being creative? It's clear that you can't be creative without thinking differently. But can you be different without being creative?

I feel that there is a distinction there that needs to be made more clear.

Personally, I think that some things can be different, but uncreative. Things can be different in an accidental way or in a lazy, offhand way. They can be different because of a slightly altered process. It's a random thing. It happened, it's different, but it's not necessarily a good thing or a creative thing. It doesn't really add anything to this world except more clutter.

I think in order to be creative that there needs to be an active creator who has a vision and who brings that vision into existence. And further, I would like to add that the creative thing must feel like it is filling some void -  that the world was waiting for it to be. That it makes sense to exist, that it fills a purpose. That it makes you feel a connection to a higher consciousness.

So I ask you, when you are creating, are you trying to fill a void in the world or are you trying to add something to the world that people hopefully won't mind or might kinda like enough to be ok with it.

Another question, unrelated, would be do you think creativity is subjective?

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