Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Convert problems into Opportunities

by Dwika Sudrajat on Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 3:32am ·

Design is much more than making something pretty. It's a way of thinking that allows any leader to convert problems into opportunities at every level of business, in any industry.
be well,

Design Thinking

I've always been fascinated by the way creative people can waltz into most business discussions and within moments identify the essence of the underlying problem that requires solving. They do, as Apple suggests, "think different." They realize that most problems have a crucial human dimension and so they serve as that human lens for the organization. And being that lens allows everyone around them to think different too.

They emote, they empathize deeply, they have a holistic approach that others lack. Plus, they know how to nurture and build ideas during that fragile beginning stage.

In this video "Change By Design" author Tim Brown argues that design is much more than making something pretty. It's a way of thinking that allows any leader to convert problems into opportunities at every level of business, in any industry. He calls this new methodology “Design Thinking” and explains how it can transform your organization into a haven of innovation.
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