Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

How to get everything you want - faster than you ever thought possible

By Brian Tracy

You May Not Realize it, but Your Success at Setting and Achieving Goals Determines the Success of Your Future

Revealed: a proven, step-by-step system for setting goals and achieving them with a methodical precision that leads you straight to success, as you define it! Get everything you want in life, faster than you ever thought possible!

Dear Friend,
Can your goals really determine your future?
The short answer: yes.
But consider this: what types of goals did you set for yourself this year?
And did you achieve them yet?
If you’re like most people, after an initial month (or 2 or 3) of serious progress, your treadmill is just a fancy clothes hanger, your career is on track for more of the same, and your personal goals are losing steam just as quickly.
You started out with great intentions, maybe even a plan. But then a roadblock popped up, and you got sidetracked.
Unfortunately, your plans probably didn’t have much of a chance to begin with.
Not because they were wrong or misguided – but because they lacked the proper stimulus to make them work.
If you were going to take a road trip across the country, how would you do it?
You wouldn't just jump in your car and drive off without a clue of where you're going or how you would get there. At least I hope not.
No, you would probably pick up a map or two. You might look at a few travel brochures or book some hotel accommodations. You might even contact a tour company to guide you through any obstacles along the way to make your journey smoother.
In other words, you would do what you could to make your trip a smooth and enjoyable experience. You would come up with a plan to reach your goal of getting safely across the country. Your trip would be an enjoyable adventure.
And with some planning and a goal in mind you would see more and get there faster.

Success is Just a Goal Away

The starting point of great success is the point at which you decide exactly what you want...and chart a course to get there.
After interviewing thousands of successful people I found they did basically the same thing to get where they are today.
They all shared a common bond. A common thread in their thinking that propelled them through all barriers and on to their individual destinations.
They shared the ability to set goals for themselves. These people started out just like you. The difference is they set realistic goals and did what they had to do to achieve them. They developed a sense of urgency-A dogged determination to get what they wanted.
And above all, they had a plan...a set of definite goals to reach for. Goals to use as trail markers on the road to success.
Now it's possible for you to follow in their footsteps. No reason for you to go it alone. All you need is a clear simple path to follow which will guarantee your success.
What could you accomplish with a laser focused action plan? You would become unstoppable. No hurdle would be too high.

You Can Do It

Just as those who have gone before you-your goals and life work the same way. As soon as you decide how you'd like your life to turn out...something amazing happens.
Suddenly, everything you do will bring you close to your dreams. Your seemingly small daily actions take on an important part in the grand scheme of things.
One thing leads to another and soon you realize you've reached or surpassed your goals.
Now here's where most people run amuck. They get off track because they think the process will take years-maybe a lifetime.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
This is why I want to share with you a proven way to fast-track your results-so you can accomplish everything you want in a matter of months...sometimes even weeks.
Like most of us, you've probably tried and failed at something in your life. After all, we're all human. By now you've also discovered what doesn't work.
And now I’m here to show you what does.
I’ve had my share of failures, too. The first business I started, following a successful sales career, totally failed. Miserably. I became a sales person again – I sold everything I owned just to pay the bills. But I got up, brushed myself off, and started again. Now, I own a multi-million-dollar international business. I’m the best-selling author of more than 50 books published in dozens of languages in dozens of countries.
Wondering how I finally found success?
By setting and methodically achieving goals.
Now, I’ve put everything I know about this process into a powerful, fast-paced program that teaches you the very same system I use – and have used successfully for decades.

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