Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Snow White started kiss

Birthday #3 and Disney World 2008.
We were actually at Disney World this year on his birthday, and this kid is spoiled.
A cool thing about Disney is that, almost to the last employee, they are all in the "We are Disney experts and love doing our jobs" school... or at least they act like it well enough to pull it off.  Will wore a little "It's my birthday!" button, and almost every employee we passed stopped to wish him well.  It was nice, if a slight bit tedious, at the end of the day.  But still, repetitive enthusiasm trumps surliness with a big old right bower (does anyone get that reference?).
I've already told most of my Disney stories in the Disney Thread, but two things to take away from looking at all of these pictures:  someone help me convince my wife that those big yellow dates in the corner completely ruin well-composed pictures, and that my kid got a lot of sugar from the princesses.  And they didn't even seem to care that I had a birthday that last summer... no sugar for daddy.  But they were all, to a woman, all over my kid.
Snow White started it all.  Her kiss caught us by surprise, but we recorded the aftermath.

And then there was the time we caught three Princesses all together.  Belle, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty.
And then during the Halloween Party we found Alice... and by now he knew what was up and was ready to give a little sugar of his own.
I don't remember my parents getting me kisses from princesses when I was a kid.  This kid has it too good.
But he also met Mike Wazowski, from Monsters, Inc.  That's "Mike" spelled with one "i."  Their joke, not mine.
And his faves, the Toy Story gang.
And we went to the speeder bike, again... this is becoming a tradition.
Me in 2003:
Will in 2007:
And Will in 2008:
He met about five times as many characters, and we got the pics, but there are just too many to put, here.  Those in the know can see them on my wife's Myspace.  We were there for 10 days and that was probably two or three days too long, but all in all it was a great trip.
Lots more anecdotes in the Forum Thread.  If you want to participate in the discussion and aren't registered, email me and I'll sign you up.  We had to close registration due to spammers flooding us. 

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