Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Everland - Korean Disneyland

Korea : the finale

I think, this is my final update on my Seoul visit.

Cheonggye Stream, the famous stream in Seoul. The modern public recreation space, and a must visit for every tourist. .. kan hada?

memakai aviator mestilah yakin

Spent about an hour for brisk walk around here.. and to another theme park, Lotte World.

at the magical island

the castle

The place was great but somehow, I couldn't help but to compare Lotte World with Everland..tu yang rasa a bit bosan je kat sini.

BUT, Lotte world ada banyak rides yang sangat mencabar. Definitely his game la kan. ..dan apa2 pun theme park korea ni mmg rajin, sangat detail.

tak dapat nak teman..

because I rather play at the candy house..sungguh tak mencabar kan

makan jagung bakar tak habis

ini lah permainan paling ganas yg aku main

view of the park from snow white castle..

and of course the carousel!

and parade..

Hmm.. I think, it was almost 12 am, but the subway still keeping these busy commuters.

I hope I'm not that old for still liking Barbie


Everland - Korea's Version of Disneyland

This is one of the best pictures (scenery/ sights) that I have ever taken (with my limited Olyumpus digicam).
Everytime I see this picture, it still fills me with a 'little-girl' sense of wonder and magic. I suppose it's every girl's dream to live in a REAL castle - awaiting for her prince charming ;)

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