Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Epcot Centre

Epcot Centre

Back to my Disney World pictures.
We spent one day at Epcot Centre, 

which basically takes you through a taste of various countries around the world.

Jaymi definitely wanted to wear her Snow White dress, since she was planning on meeting Snow White that day.

It was at Epcot, where my mom had booked the best part of the whole trip for Jaymi...Breakfast with Princesses.
We had a wonderful breakfast buffet at a castle in "Norway", 

and after the meal, the kids got a birthday cupcake.  (We were celebrating both birthdays, since Jaymi had just had hers and my niece was about to celebrate hers.)

After that, five Disney princesses (one by one) came around to the tables to meet the kids, 

sign autographs, 

pose for a picture, 
and give hugs.

The kids were both thrilled!!
There was Ariel (The Little Mermaid).

There was Cinderella.

There was Belle (from Beauty and the Beast).

There was Sleeping Beauty.

And there was Snow White, Jaymi's absolute favourite.
It was her dream, to meet Snow White.
And by the end of our trip, she did.  Three times!

At the end, there was a Princess Procession, where they made an announcement, played princess music, and all of the kids chose a princess (Jaymi chose Snow White, her favourite) to follow behind, in a parade through the dining room.

Jaymi and her cousin did a very cool Kim Possible mission, that had them uncovering clues and 'rescuing" important people.

There were also lots of "character greetings", which is when you get to meet and get a picture of a certain Disney character.
Like Marie (from the Aristocats).

or Mary Poppins.

or Mulan.

There were also lots of other cool things there, like the Nemo ride.

This old-fashioned camera.

These amazing street performers!

There were beautiful souvenirs from different countries, to buy.

A Viking ride.

And of course, we always had lots of fun on the rides to and from Disney World.
Especially the kids and I, in the back seat!

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