Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Getting around Hong Kong

Transportation in Hong Kong

Getting around Hong Kong is fast and easy. There are many ways to get you where you’re going, and the tram, train, ferry, and taxi I used got me just where I wanted to be. Hong Kong is also a very walkable city; wear your walking shoes, and take your camera. Since I was based at the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel, I used the MTR train system to get into town (see the Disney-themed photo above; it’s similar to the train at Tokyo Disneyland Resort).

If you plan to stay awhile and move around the islands, you should think about getting an Octopus card. You pay one price to get the card and just scan it as you enter the wicket (turnstile). The price is deducted from your card, and you can reload the card in HK$50 increments as needed. Besides not having to buy a ticket or worry about having the proper change, using the card gets you discounts on some of the methods of transportation. The card can be used in many stores as well. It’s good for three years, so you can hang on to it if you plan to go back again. Otherwise, you can get a refund on any balance above a modest charge; I hung onto my card, so I am not sure how much you get back.

In the Central area of Hong Kong Island, there is an entire underground area with moving sidewalks and plenty of

shops (here’s a Japanese munchie shop!),

signs, and information areas.

I didn’t take the street car, but if I hadn’t had so much fun walking around, I would have.

If you want to go up to Victoria Peak, the tram may be the way to go. Don’t let the extremely long line discourage you, it moves fairly quickly. If you have an Octopus card, you’ll still have to wait in the long line, but there’s a place for you to skip the ticket line once you get inside. The Peak itself is separate-post-worthy, so hang on for that one.

Another ride you should think about taking is the ferry from Central to Kowloon (or vice versa). Flash your Octopus card, and on you go.

It’s a short ride, but you can get a completely different perspective of Hong Kong, especially if you go to the top of Victoria Peak as well.

The guidebooks mention that Hong Kong is one of the cheapest cities for taxis, so if you need to get somewhere quickly, keep that one as an alternative. I used it for the airport-Hong Kong Disneyland run, and the ride was quick and the price reasonable.

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