Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008

Device Management by OTA

Device Management by OTA

Device management used to launch new services quickly
Automatic Provisioning (“Over the Air = OTA”) of your subscribers' cellphones is mandatory to launch your GPRS data services (Portal access, MMS, etc.).
OTA integrated with HALYS SMSC and USSD will download the longest profiles in 12 sec to 25 sec, i.e. faster than any other system. If you have the customer online, he can test the service immediately.
A rich library of pre-defined profiles allows customer care staff to provision any make and model with a simple click and get the result on line.
Self-provisioning by customers with a USSD application: customer chooses his make and model interactively and gets the right profile.
Handset Management
Simplified “click OTA” for customer care staff (browser settings)
Flexible creation of new profiles by technical staff with XML models
SIM Card Management
SIM card provisioning with security algorithms (Address Books in SIM, etc.)
JAVA Applets provisioning

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