Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

OSS Glossary

1.1 Glossary

ACS Auto-Configuration Server

AS Application Server

BML[1] Business Management Layer

BPL Broadband over Power Lines

BSP Broadband Service Provider

BSS – Back-office Support Systems

CBE[2] – Core Business Entities

CORBA – Common Object Request Broker Architecture

CPE – Customer Premise Equipment

CSCF – Call Session Control Function

CSP – Communications Service Provider

CIM[3] – Common Information Model

CMIP[4] – Common Management Information Protocol

COPS[5] – Common Open Policy Service

CWMP – CPE WAN Management Protocol

DMTF – Distributed Management Task Force

DNG[6] – Delivery Network Gateway

DVR Digital Video Recorder

E2E End-To-End

EFM Ethernet over the First Mile

EML1 – Element Management Layer

EMS – Element Management System

eTOM – enhanced TOM

ETSI Institut européen des normes de télécommunication

FAB – Fulfillment, Assurance and Billing

FCAPS – Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security


FTTB Fiber To The Business (Building)

FTTC – Fiber To The Curb

FTTH Fiber To The Home

FTTN Fiber To The Neighborhood (Node)

FTTP Fiber To The Premises

GA General Availability

HDTV High Definition Television

HSS Home Subscriber Server

IDL – Interface Definition Language

IETF – Internet Engineering Task Force

IIF – IPTV Interoperability Forum

IMS – IP Multimedia Subsystem

IP – Internet Protocol

IPDR – IP Detailed Record

IPNM – IP Network Management

IPTV – Internet Protocol Television

IT – Information Technology

ITF6 – IPTV Terminal Function

ITIL – IT Infrastructure Library

iTV Interactive TV

ITU-T – International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication standardization


KQI – Key Quality Indicators

KPI – Key performance Indicators

LDAP5 – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

MD – Mediation Device

MDA[7] – Model Driven Architecture

MTNM8 – Multi Technology Network Management

mTOP – multi-Technology OSS Program

MTOSI8 – Multi-Technology Operations Systems Interface

NAS – Network Attached Storage

NASS – Network Attachment Subsystem

NE – Network Element

NEL – Network Element Layer

NGN – Next Generation Network

NGNMFG – NGN Management Focus Group

NIC Network Interface Card

NIU Network Interface Unit

NML1 – Network Management Layer

NMS – Network Management System

NGOSS[8] – Next Generation Operations Systems and Software

OLT Optical Line Terminal

OMG – Object Management Group

ONT Optical Network Terminal

OSS – Operational Support Systems

OSS/JOSS through Java

PEP – Policy Enforcement Point

PM – Performance Management

PPV Pay Per View

PVR Personal Video Recorder

QoE – Quality of Experience

QoS – Quality of Service

RACS – Resource and Admission Control Subsystem

RF Radio Frequency

SNMP[9]– Simple Network Management Protocol

SOA – Service oriented Architecture

SDP – Service Delivery Platform

SHE – Super Head End

SID8 – Shared Information/Data model

SIP Session Initiation Protocol

SLA – Service Level Agreement

SML – Service Management Layer

SQM – Service Quality Management

STB Set Top Box

TCA - Threshold Crossing Alerts

TISPAN – Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for

Advanced Networking

TF – Task force

TMF – TeleManagement Forum

TMN – Telecommunications Management Network

TOM – Telecommunications Operations Map

VDSL Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line

VHO – Video Hub Office

VOD Video On Demand

VSO – Video Serving Office

WAN – Wide Area Network

WfMC Workflow Management Coalition

xDSL DSL variant such as ADSL or VDSL

[1] A TMN term

[2] An OSS/J term

[3] A DMTF term

[4] An ITU-T term

[5] An IETF term

[6] An IIF term

[7] An OMG term

[8] A TMF term

[9] An IETF term

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