Senin, 28 November 2016

1,053 people reached Servo power management is the walking "Tai Chi" robot

shown at and
discussed at

VIDE Freeman Corp. Orlando - Hong Kong -Jakarta

VIDE Freeman Corp. Orlando - Hong Kong -Jakarta

100 W. Lucerne Circle Suite 200 Tower
Orlando,  FL 32801 

Phone: (407) 250-2812
VIDE Freeman Corp. Orlando - Hong Kong -Jakarta

Dwika Sudrajat's experience appears to be concentrated in Information Technology / Operations, Monitoring and Software Management, with exposure to Telecommunications / Central Office.
Dwika Sudrajat has 25 years of work experience, with 6 years of management experience, including a mid-level position.
VIDE Freeman Corporation
Experience and quality you can depend on

1. A worldwide company founded in 2014, headquartered in Orlando, Florida – USA.

2. Operates in more than 3 locations around the world.

3. The largest and the most experienced IT Solutions. We offer 2 free hours to have us run a full audit on your network infrastructure and map out any weak points, finding issues before they even occur. That's the VIDE Freeman Corp Difference; proactive maintenance to prevent downtime. We don't wait around for things to break; we keep your business up and running all day, every day. Why experience a loss in productivity or get slammed with high computer repair bills? We want you to expand and grow.

4. Provides services for more than 1 million of people around the world. Each company applies information technology in a different way to meet its own distinct mission, goals and day-to-day operations through various job function and skill levels. That’s why we offer “Coaching as Unique as You Are”. Your company can choose from business application coaching and/or any combinations of other counseling solutions.

The outcome of VIDE Freeman Corporation Model is a distinct process between Preparation, Presentation, Performance and Validation, which also incorporates Interaction and Motivation. In addition, the course manual incorporates design techniques including special visual cues, scenario-based performance labs, frequent content review sessions and a full table of content and index. This way, the manuals will also serve as valuable classroom aid and a handy reference for years to come.
Industry surveys consistently point to the top quality of VIDE Freeman Corporation Consultants. Not only are they highly knowledgeable about the courses they teach, VIDE Freeman Corporation Consultants are excellent communicators skilled in adapting to unique student learning requirements in the classroom.

Global Headquarters - USA
The firm offers a service, strives to make 'super fans,' not just customers.

As my clients grow, my business grows along with them.
The firm offers a service, strives to make 'super fans,' not just customers.
CHO's goals include being in charge of customer support and functioning as chief community manager..
Show Map 

Business Info

Founded: 1. Wastu Kencana Konsultan 2. Wisangeni Mitra Sejahtera 3. Mitra Lima Sinergi 4. Next Dimension 5. Snowgreen 6. Fortech Indotama


Mon:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tue:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wed:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thu:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri:8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Rabu, 02 November 2016

124 people reached Mendapatkan Kemudahan

Jika Anda menghindari kesulitan, Anda tidak akan mendapatkan kemudahan.
Jika Anda berharap orang lain yang mengatasi kesulitan, maka kemudahan akan menjadi milik orang lain.
Anda tidak akan mendapatkan kemudahan dari kematangan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman yang didapatkan.

116 people reached Kemudahan Bersama Kesulitan

Kemudahan Bersama Kesulitan
“Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.”
Kebanyakan orang, saat menghadapi kesulitan, dia berhenti alias menyerah.
Ada juga yang mengeluh, berharap orang lain mau membantunya mengatasi kesulitan dia.
Padahal, bersama kesulitan itu adalah kemudahan.

120 people reached Mendapatkan perkerjaan lebih baik

Jangan kecewa saat Anda tidak diterima di sebuah perusahaan untuk menjadi karyawannya. 
Bisa jadi itu yang terbaik bagi Anda. 
Bisa jadi Anda akan mendapatkan perkerjaan lebih baik. 
Bisa jadi, justru akan mendapatkan hal buruk jika diterima diperusahaan itu.

101 people reached Syukuri apa pun yang terjadi saat ini

Kita tidak pernah mengetahui apa yang akan terjadi. Untuk itu, syukuri apa pun yang terjadi saat ini termasuk penolakan dan kekecewaan lainnya.
Jangan putus asa, berbaik sangkalah kpd NYA, bahwa DIA akan memberikan yg terbaik bagi kita.