Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

Dwika and Exclusive Networks

Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

220 reach Pi Bot

Pi Bot
by Orlando_2k
A raspberry pi B+ is located in the head
a modified RC toy (about 0.5m tall). 
Beside driving this robot can move it's “waist” to bend forward and backward, move the arm's inward and outward to grab objects and shoot some soft darts.
. I 3d printed a bumper to protect it ( It is equipped with a sensor board (3 Axis accelerometer, 3 Axis magnetometer, Temperature and Pressure).
Connected via USB are a WiFi stick, a USB cam (removed the Ir filter) and a controller for the motors, that is located in the bottom. The robot also has a PIR sensor behind the black visor.
I replaced the speaker with a better quality one so that the volume is ok without an additional amplifier.
the LiPo for the motors is really nice, it has a build in battery level indicator.

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016

Animatronic Robotic Hand (robot tangan) 58 likes

Animatronic Robotic Hand (robot tangan)
ARDUINO NANO, saya menggunakan arduino board jenis ini karena praktis dan berukuran kecil.
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Zaky Pradikto kodenya gak di share ya bang?
Fit Syu bujetnya berapa ya pak kalo mau coba buat itu?
Irfan Tryadi ampun masta ga nyampe ilmu nya
Ryno Zylgwyn Keren mo dung pak coding ny
Apri Kurniawan waduh habis byk uang bikin project ini... flwx sensorny byk banget...
Ayahe Izzul Kereeeennn....
Riyan Sugara Benefitnya apa y bang? kalo cepat menghasilkan pundi2x dolar bolehlah join.
Slamet Wibisono mancabbbs
Aziz Fauzi . gan... mantaf.. bikin dr OCTOPUS dah
Arif Sabanuddin beli Flex sensor ya dimana
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Irwan Adha Kodenya?
LikeReply9 hrs