Minggu, 17 April 2011

Sapaan dalam Bahasa Jepang

Beberapa Kalimat Sapaan dalam Bahasa Jepang

Yang Umum diucapkan di Awal Pembicaraan
[JAP] Ohayou / Ohayou gozaimasu
[INA] “selamat pagi”
[JAP] Konnichiwa
[INA] “selamat siang”
[JAP] Konbanwa
[INA] “selamat malam”
[JAP] Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
[INA] “mohon bimbingannya” / “mohon bantuannya”
–> (biasanya diucapkan pada saat berkenalan, atau pada saat akan mengerjakan sesuatu bersama-sama)
[JAP] O genki desu ka?
[INA] “Apakah Anda sehat?”
[JAP] O kage desu
[INA] “Saya sehat-sehat saja.”
–> (digunakan untuk menjawab “O genki desu ka?”)
[JAP] Kyou wa ii o tenki desu ne?
[INA] “Cuaca hari ini bagus, bukan?”
[JAP] Youkoso!
[INA] “Selamat datang!”
[JAP] Moshi-moshi…
[INA] “Halo…” (berbicara lewat telepon)

Yang Umum diucapkan Selama Percakapan Berlangsung
[JAP] Hai
[INA] “Ya”
–> (untuk menyetujui sesuatu atau menjawab pertanyaan)
[JAP] Iie
[INA] “Tidak”
–> (kebalikannya “hai”)
[JAP] Arigatou / Arigatou gozaimasu
[INA] “Terima kasih”
–> (gozaimasu di sini dipakai untuk ucapan formal, atau bisa juga menyatakan “terima kasih banyak”)
[JAP] Gomen na sai
[INA] “Mohon maaf”
[JAP] Sumimasen
[INA] “Permisi”
–> (bisa juga diterapkan untuk minta maaf, tapi (umumnya) dalam kadar yang lebih ringan daripada “gomen na sai”)
[JAP] Zannen desu
[INA] “sayang sekali” / “amat disayangkan”
[JAP] Omedetou, ne
[INA] “Selamat ya”
–> (untuk beberapa hal yang baru dicapai, e.g. kelulusan, menang lomba, dsb)
[JAP] Dame / Dame desu yo
[INA] “jangan” / “sebaiknya jangan”
[JAP] Suteki desu ne
[INA] “Bagus ya…” / “indah ya…”
–> (untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang menarik, e.g. ‘hari yang indah’)
[JAP] Sugoi! / Sugoi desu yo!
[INA] “Hebat!”
[JAP] Sou desu ka
[INA] “Jadi begitu…”
–> (menyatakan pengertian atas suatu masalah)
[JAP] Daijoubu desu / Heiki desu
[INA] “(saya) tidak apa-apa” / “(saya) baik-baik saja”

Jika Anda Kesulitan menangkap Ucapan Lawan Bicara Anda
[JAP] Chotto yukkuri itte kudasai.
[INA] “Tolong ucapkan lagi dengan lebih lambat.”
[JAP] Mou ichido itte kudasai.
[INA] “Tolong ucapkan sekali lagi.”
[JAP] Motto hakkiri itte kudasai.
[INA] “Tolong ucapkan dengan lebih jelas.”

Untuk Mengakhiri Pembicaraan
[JAP] Sayonara
[INA] “Selamat tinggal”
[JAP] Mata aimashou
[INA] “Ayo bertemu lagi kapan-kapan”
[JAP] Ja, mata / mata ne
[INA] “Sampai jumpa”
[JAP] Mata ashita
[INA] “Sampai jumpa besok”

Beberapa Kalimat yang Tidak Selalu Muncul dalam Dialog, tetapi merupakan Elemen Kebudayaan Jepang
[JAP] Irasshaimase!
[INA] “Selamat datang!”
–> (kalimat ini hanya diucapkan oleh petugas toko ketika Anda berkunjung)
[JAP] Ittekimasu!
[INA] “Berangkat sekarang!”
–> (kalimat ini diucapkan ketika Anda hendak pergi meninggalkan rumah pada orang yang tetap tinggal di dalam)
[JAP] Itterasshai
[INA] “Hati-hati di jalan”
–> (diucapkan ketika seseorang hendak pergi ke luar rumah; umumnya sebagai jawaban untuk “Ittekimasu”)
[JAP] Itadakimasu
[INA] [literal] “Terima kasih atas makanannya”
–> (kalimat ini sebenarnya tidak diartikan secara harfiah. Masyarakat Jepang biasanya mengucapkan kalimat ini sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur atas makanan yang dihidangkan)
[JAP] Gochisousama deshita
[INA] [literal] “perjamuan/hidangan sudah selesai”
–> (seperti “Itadakimasu”, kalimat ini juga tidak diartikan secara harfiah. Masyarakat Jepang pada umumnya mengucapkan kalimat ini seusai makan)
[JAP] Kimochi…!
[INA] [literal] “perasaan/isi hati”
–> (kata ini umum diucapkan jika Anda merasakan sesuatu yang nyaman di suatu tempat. E.g. Jika Anda pergi ke gunung dan merasa bahwa udara di sana nyaman, maka kata ini bisa Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskannya. ^^ )



10 11 2009
Halo minasan jumpa lagi dalam pelajaran bahasa jepang. Kali ini kita mempelajari mengenai salam dan ungkapan sehari-hari dalam bahasa jepang. Berikut ini adalah beberapa di antaranya.
.) Terimakasih (Arigatou Gozaimasu)
Secara gramatik berarti “sulit (bagi saya) untuk menerima (kebaikan dari anda)”. Di ucapkan ketika orang lain telah membantu / memberikan sesuatu kepada kita.
Ungkapan terima kasih ini mempunyai berbagai macam varian.
Kita bisa menambahkan kata どうも– Doumo di depannya, yang bisa diartikan “Sangat/Sekali” どうも ありがとう ございます.
Kita-pun dapat juga mengubahnya menjadi bentuk lampau, ketika bantuan / sesuatu dari orang lain telah kita terima ありがとう ございました.
Dapat juga kita pakai dengan cara memenggal, dan mengambil salah satu katanya saja どうも atau ありがとう saja, yang sudah berarti “Terimakasih” namun merupakan ungkapan tidak formal / ungkapan plain.
Di kalangan remaja, ada kata サンキュー – Sankyuu yang diserap dari kata bahasa Inggris ”Thankyou”. Bahasa Slank ini kadang ditulis dengan angka 39 (angka 3 dalam bahasa jepang dibaca “san” dan angka 9 dibaca “kyuu”), bahasa sms nee… hehehe ^o^
Di daerah Oosaka, ada juga dialek daerahおおきに yang kadang dipadukan menjadi おおきに どうも yang juga berarti “Terimakasih.
.) Ucapan ketika akan mulai makan / minum ( Itadakimasu )
Secara gramatik berarti “Saya menerima”. Ucapan “Itadakimasu” mengandung makna rasa syukur dan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah berjasa, sehingga seseorang dapat menyantap suatu makanan / kadang termasuk minuman. Dalam bahasa Indonesia (termasuk dalam Dorama dan Anime) kata “Itadakimasu” sering diartikan menjadi “Selamat makan” atau “Saya makan”.
.) Ucapan ketika selesai makan / minum ( Gochisousama deshita )
Kata ごちそう ( gochisou) berarti “Hidangan yang lezat”. Gochisousama deshita diucapkan untuk berterimakasih kepada semua yang telah berjasa menyediakan makanan untuk kita. Kadang diartikan menjadi “Saya selesai makan” atau “Terimakasih atas makanannya”.
Ketika diajak pergi makan oleh orang lain, orang Jepang mempunyai kebiasaan mengucapkan gochisousama deshita berulang-ulang. Pertama ketika dia baru saja selesai makan. Kedua ketika mereka pulang dan akan berpisah kembali ke tempat tinggal masing-masing. Dan ketiga, adalah ketika mereka bertemu lagi keesokan harinya, atau beberapa hari setelah itu.
Hal tersebut adalah hal yang lazim, dan dianggap sebagai sebuah sopan santun.
.) Saya berangkat ( Ittekimasu )
Arti ittekimasu yang lebih tepat sesuai dengan asal kata-nya adalah “Saya pergi dan akan kembali lagi”. Diucapkan oleh seseorang yang akan berangkat meninggalkan suatu tempat, kemudian dia akan kembali lagi ke tempat itu. Orang Jepang mempunyai kebiasaan mengucapkan いってきます (ittekimasu) ketika mereka pergi dari rumah.
.) Silahkan berangkat ( Itte(i)rasshai )
Merupakan jawaban dari いってきます( ittekimasu) . Bunyi “I” di tengah-tengah bisa dihilangkan. Diucapkan kepada orang yang akan pergi dari suatu tempat, dan dia akan kembali lagi (misalnya diucapkan ke anak yang akan berangkat ke sekolah)
Yang perlu diketahui adalah, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, bisa juga kedua ungkapan di atas dibalik, seseorang yang berada di rumah lebih dulu mengucapkanいってらっしゃい dan orang yang akan pergi baru mengucapkanいってきます. Bukan sebuah contoh percakapan formal, tapi patut untuk diketahui.

Coba minasan lihat penggunaan lainnya pada contoh di bawah ini:
ヤマピ : ともこちゃん、いま から いっしょに えいがかん に いかない?( tomoko chan, ima kara issho ni eigakan ni ikanai ?
ともこ: ええ? じゃ、いってらっしゃい。。。( ee ? ja, itterasshai…)
Yamapi : Tomoko-sayang… abis ini ke bioskop bareng2 yuk?
Tomoko : Hh? Oke kalo gitu…. selamat jalan… :P
Di percakapan itu “Itterasshai” dipakai oleh Tomoko untuk menolak ajakan Yamapi secara kasar dan dengan unsur bercanda. “Itterasshai” disitu bisa diartikan, “berangkat sendiri sono gih, aku disini aja ga ikutan ^v^ .

Day Three Epcot

Day Three Epcot!

UPDATE: I remembered something I wanted to add but I wanted it to be in order of our day so scroll down and read if you like.

February 20,2010

Epcot! This morning we got to Epcot soon after opening. The first stop there is pretty obvious. A photo with "the big ball".

You can see Silas holding his tractor from the Cars movie and Clara sporting her Minnie Mouse shirt. Those were the souvineirs I had left on the couch at the cabin the day before so they would find them when we returned in the evening. Cecily got a shirt as well but she chose not to wear it.

We met Stitch and the girls thought he was funny.

He didn't talk but he did make a spitting sound. When he saw the Mickey Mouse on the front of Silas autograph book he spit and shook his head and then pointed to himself. He obvisously thought he was much better.

Epcot has unique flowers and bushes. One of Cecily's favorite movies is The Lion King and so we made sure to take photos with these.

Next Shiloh took Cecily on a space ride and Clara and Silas and I hung out here for a bit.

Silas loves trash day at home and he really like this station to play at. You enter into computers the amount of trash your family uses and then follow it from the trash can all the way until you turn it into a golf course. They were a little too young but the liked to push around the mini dump truck that takes your trash from place to place.

Shiloh came and picked up Clara and took the girls to ride test track. It's a car ride and you go really fast around a track. Basically a roller coaster disguised as a car.
Silas was too small so he had a frozen banana covered in chocolate. It wasn't that great. He didn't eat much of it. I think it would've been better if the banana was fresh.

Epcot has added Nemo to its list of attractions and so we went on that ride. I like the family rides at Disney because the lines go really fast. They have all the rides on conveyer belts and the loading zone and unloading zone are at different places. So when you get on you step onto a moving belt and hop into your slow moving car and the same when you get off. This way even if there is a line you never stop walking because people are constantly getting off the ride as well as on.

The nemo ride projected images from the movie onto real aquariam tanks. When we got off the ride we were inside a building with aquariams. There were dolphins and we watched for awhile. In the same building there was a show called Turtle Talk With Crush. Crush is the turtle from Nemo. They have all the children sit up front on the carpet while the parents sit on benches in the back. There is a huge screen and Crush appears. He is a digital image but he talks directly with the kids and depending on what they say depends on what he does. He talked to one little boy and then he said to the lady who moves the microphone around the audience "I see a little girl with a pink shell and light brown fur on the top" He was talking about Clara! She had on a pink shirt and the fur was her hair. The lady brought the microphone over and they had a conversation that was something like this.
"What's your name little dudet?"
Then Cecily says "No!" and she whispers to Clara to say it louder.
Clara says it again but she says it funny so from my bench I yell out "It's Clara!"
"Ooooooh Clara! Nice to meet you where are you from?"
Again crush and the mic lady have no idea what she is saying. Cecily is whispering for Clara to say Texas instead. I don't know if all this got worked out or not. Then Crush asks who brought her to Disney World. She says Charline because Charlie drove us to the airport. Cecily is whispering frantically in her ear that it was Mommy and Daddy and they have a "No, Charline" "No,Mommy and Daddy" moment. Then Crush asks for Clara's parents to raise their hands.I raised my hand as I silently willed for Shiloh to be spotted first. We got seperated in the crowd and he was sitting alone by the wall. But the show must go on so I raised my hand and of course Crush saw me first. The mic lady comes over and Crush asks "How many offspring do you have?" I tell him three and a half. He exclaims "I have sixty five!" then he did a spinning happy dance and exclaimed "This is so cool! Do you see what just happened Clara's mom? We like totally bonded!" We talked a bit moreand he used this oppritunity to teach us that turtles have all the same sex babies with each litter. So all boys or all girls.
It was really cute. I couldn't take pictures because it was too dark and Shiloh didn't think to film it but out of all the attractions we did film a bit of I wish we had this one.
At the end of the show Crush told all the kids to say Dude to their parents for the rest of the day. Luckily the girls didn't remember to do this.

After we were Nemo-d out we went to the other side of the park to tour the world. We kind of walked past the first couple of countries not knowing that you go up inside things to find attractions. We were hungry and had decided to eat in Germany.
The girls spotted Snow White up in a corner giving out autographs. As soon as we got into line they told us that Snow White was just about to go get some tea and she would be back in fifteen minutes. We decided to wait it out. All except one family left the line.
The girls found these kids to wrestle in the grass with.

The fifteen minutes turned into about thirty and Silas and Clara couldn't help peeking to see if they could see her feet coming back.

Shiloh and Cecily waiting with the video camera.

Finally she came out and the kids got autographs and a photo of their first princess!

I think snow white is very pretty. She looks just like her to me. I wish I got my picture with her.

Finally we made it to the food in Germany.

While waiting in line I talk to a lady who told us that we missed the rides in both Mexico and Norway. So we ate and then backtracked. We also saw China where the girls posed like this.

I guess it's something they picked up from Mulan. We hoped to see Mulan here but couldn't find her.

We had a fastpass to ride one of the new rides and so we left the tour of the world area and headed back toward the front of the park where Shiloh spotted Aladin.
Clara was a bit grumpy by then and didn't want to go and meet him so Cecily braved it alone. You can see she is trying not to smile.

Silas and I had some cotton candy while we waited for Shiloh and the girls to come off a ride. He enjoyed some sitting still time to roll his tractor around on an empty dining table.
I love this picture of him. The head tilt and the hair is just right. I only wish the flash had been working so it didn't turn out fuzzy.

Epcot was really fun but with so much to do we only covered about half on this day. We would be back later in the week though as this was one of the parks we thought we might like to visit twice.

Goodnight Epcot!

After we got back to the cabin I took a shower and was able to feel the baby move from the outside. Later on in bed it was really kicking and Shiloh was able to feel it for the first time.

Epcot Germany

Finally she came out and the kids got autographs and a photo of their first princess!

I think snow white is very pretty. She looks just like her to me. I wish I got my picture with her.

Finally we made it to the food in Germany.

While waiting in line I talk to a lady who told us that we missed the rides in both Mexico and Norway. So we ate and then backtracked. We also saw China where the girls posed like this.

I guess it's something they picked up from Mulan. We hoped to see Mulan here but couldn't find her.

We had a fastpass to ride one of the new rides and so we left the tour of the world area and headed back toward the front of the park where Shiloh spotted Aladin.
Clara was a bit grumpy by then and didn't want to go and meet him so Cecily braved it alone. You can see she is trying not to smile.

Silas and I had some cotton candy while we waited for Shiloh and the girls to come off a ride. He enjoyed some sitting still time to roll his tractor around on an empty dining table.
I love this picture of him. The head tilt and the hair is just right. I only wish the flash had been working so it didn't turn out fuzzy.

Epcot was really fun but with so much to do we only covered about half on this day. We would be back later in the week though as this was one of the parks we thought we might like to visit twice.

Goodnight Epcot!

After we got back to the cabin I took a shower and was able to feel the baby move from the outside. Later on in bed it was really kicking and Shiloh was able to feel it for the first time.

Disney World - Epcot

Disney World - Epcot

We spent the entire day at Blizzard Beach today. What an awesome day we had! The girls went on just about every water slide they were tall enough for and simply had a blast. Matt and I did, too :-)
I did not take my camera to Blizzard Beach, so no pictures from today, but here are some from yesterday when we went to Epcot...
We went on Test Track (the girls loved it), we went on Soarin' twice (my favorite attraction in all of Disney!), and visited a bunch of other attractions and walked around the World Show Case.
We found Belle in the France pavilion....
Snow White in the Germany Pavilion...

Snow White. autograph and picture in Germany

Walking Tour of Epcot's Germany Pavillion

For those of you who love strolling through all the countries that are in the World Showcase in Epcot (and I'm one of those people), I thought I'd post a few pictures for you to enjoy.
I'm starting with Germany, for no specific reason, I just happened to be there when I decided to do this blog. In time I will post pictures from all the countries. Also, I will take requests as to what pictures you would like to see. So, please let me know of any and all requests and I will do my best to include them in future blogs.
I really enjoy spending time in Germany. Whether it's just walking through the shops, having some fine German beer, a brat and sauerkraut or a strudel at Sommerfest or eating in the Biergarten and listening to the Oktoberfest Musikaten band play, you can't help but feel you are actually in Germany.
I hope you enjoy the this walking tour:
Germany is located next to the Italy Pavilion. The closest country on the other side of Germany is China.
Walking towards Germany
The courtyard is really beautiful!
As you enter Germany
A closer view
Der Bucherwurm where you can purchase steins and glassware.
The glass shop
Inside the shop
Another view
When you visit the Christmas shop, Die Weihnachts Ecke, be sure to check out the green pickles!
Christmas shop
Christmas tree
More Christmas decorations
If you like clocks, make sure you visit Volkskunst. Also, in the picture you'll see children coming out of the shop with masks. The clock shop is the Kidcot Funstop location in Germany.
Clock shop
Wall of clocks
Der Teddybar is where you find some adorable teddybears.
Teddy Bear shop
Sommerfest is where you can get a quick bite of German food.
Sommerfest entrance
Quick service food stand
Biergarten is one of my favorite Epcot restaurants because of the atmosphere.
Oktoberfest entrance
Oktoberfest buffet
Oktoberfest Musikaten playing
If you want to sample and/or buy good German wine, the place to go is the Weinkeller.
Wine shop
Who doesn't want a cold beer on a hot Florida day?
Beer stand
My wife loves checking out all the beautiful crystal they have at this kiosk.
Glass works kiosk
While there, make sure you look out for Snow White. You can get her autograph and picture while in Germany. Also, many times Dopey is there with her. Isn't she beautiful?
Snow White
Let me know if there's anything that you'd like me to take pictures of or that you would like me to blog about. I love hearing from you!
Well, that’s all for now. As my good friend says “see ya real soon”….DizneyMike