Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Keberhasilan dan Pencapaian

Mari mulai saat ini kita membuat catatan keberhasilan dan pencapaian yang sudah kita raih. Dengan begini Anda pasti akan merasa lebih layak untuk menerima yang terbaik.
be well,

Anda layak!

Setiap orang jika ditanya maukah meraih keberhasilan atau kesuksesan yang luar biasa dan signifikan di dalam hidupnya pastilah akan menjawab dengan satu jawaban yaitu MAU. Siapa sich di dunia ini orang yang tidak mau meraih kesuksesan dan keberhasilan dalam hidupnya? Seminimal – minimalnya pasti mau menjadi orang yang bermakna bagi orang lain.
Kadang kalanya orang tersebut sudah melakukan apa yang disebut ketekunan, akan tetapi tetap saja belum meraih kesuksesan ataupun keberhasilan yang menjadi cita – citanya tersebut. Ia pun sudah bersabar untuk setia dalam proses serta waktu telah dilaluinya. Akan tetapi kesuksesan dan keberhasilan yang diimpikannya belumnya terwujud juga.
Jadi apakah sebenarnya penghalang orang ini tidak bisa meraih kesuksesannya tersebut? Beberapa bulan yang lalu, melalui social media Twitter, saya mendapatkan sebuah ebook yang dikirimkan oleh salah seorang pembicara kelas dunia yang saya rasa pembaca semua pernah mendengarnya yaitu Joe Vitale. Joe Vitale waktu itu mengirimkan sebuah ebook yang berjudul “Attract Money NOW” yang dikirimkan langsung melalui private message kepada saya.
Hanya saja baru akhir – akhir ini saya baru sempat membaca ebooknya serta mempelajarinya. Ada satu poin penting menarik yang diulas oleh Joe Vitale ini. Dikatakan bahwa salah satu penyebab orang tidak bisa meraih kesuksesannya adalah karena ia tidak merasa dirinya layak atau pantas (deserve) menerima sesuatu yang terbaik yang bisa didapatkan. Inilah salah satu penyebab atau penghalang orang mencapai kesuksesan yang seharusnya bisa dia raih.
Apakah diri Anda saat ini mengalami hal yang sama seperti ini?
Misalnya saat kita sedang mau mengejar seseuatu, tiba – tiba saja kita merasa kalau diri kita tidak merasa layak untuk mencapainya atau merasa tidak enakan untuk meraih yang terbaik, atau merasa terlalu tinggi jika sampai hal itu menjadi kenyataan yang didapatkan. Hei, inilah perasaan – perasaan atau kondisi emosi yang menjadi penghalang kita untuk meraih kesuksesan atau keberhasilan yang seharusnya bisa dicapainya.
Seorang professional yang saat ini bekerja di sebuah perusahaan nasional di Indonesia pernah menceritakan sebuah impiannya untuk meraih penghasilan sekian rupiah. Saya kemudian bilang kepadanya, itu hal yang bagus sekali. Kemudian saya berkata, kalau begitu lakukan yang terbaik serta beri kontribusi yang maksimal dengan pekerjaanmu saat ini, kemudian mintalah promosi dari perusahaan.
Orang ini berkata, kalau saya melakukan yang terbaik serta memberikan kontribusi yang maksimal saya bisa. Tetapi kalau saya meminta promosi, rasanya saya kurang layak mendapatkannya serta tidak enak memintanya, takut saya dinilai sebagai orang yang rakus. Inilah yang akhirnya menjadi penghalang dimana seharusnya dia mampu mendapatkan income sejumlah yang dia minta. Hanya saja perasaan tidak layak ini yang membuatnya mundur dan hanya menerima apa yang diterimanya saat ini.
Berikut adalah contoh menarik lainya.
Sebuah iklan lowongan pekerjaan yang dibuat oleh Harvard Business School yang dipasang di USA Today Publication. Kedua iklan ini sama – sama dipasang di USA Today Publication. Kedua lowongan kerja ini merupakan lowongan kerja dengan jenis pekerjaan yang sama serta di perusahaan yang sama juga.
Hal yang unik terjadi disini. Lowongan pekerjaan dengan angka penghasilan lebih rendah, lebih banyak mendapatkan respon dibandingkan dengan lowongan pekerjaan yang menawarkan penghasilan yang lebih tinggi. Orang yang membaca iklan ini di dalam benaknya muncul pemikiran, apa ini benar? Ah, kayanya ini “too good to be true“. Inilah yang akhirnya membuat banyak orang merespon iklan dengan tawaran income yang lebih kecil hanya karena mereka merasa tidak layak!
Jika hal ini terjadi dalam diri kita, ayo stop hal ini. Karena hal ini akan sangat membatasi potensi yang bisa kita raih lebih lagi! Kalau begitu bagaimana donk solusinya?
Mari kita membuat yang namanya Victory Logs (catatan kemenangan atau keberhasilan) untuk setiap pencapaian yang telah kita raih. Hal pencapaian sekecil apapun juga tuliskanlah. Miliki buku catatan yang berisikan daftar pencapaian yang telah berhasil Anda raih. Inilah yang akan memunculkan keyakinan dalam diri kita kalau kita LAYAK untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik.
Memang lebih mudah kita membuat catatan mengenai apa yang perlu diperbaiki serta apa yang menjadi kelemahan kita. Akan tetapi, mari mulai saat ini kita membuat catatan keberhasilan dan pencapaian yang sudah kita raih. Dengan begini Anda pasti akan merasa lebih layak untuk menerima yang terbaik.
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Posted by dipank

VTC2011-Fall in San Francisco

Welcome to VTC2011-Fall in San Francisco!San Francisco VTC Logo

Pictures of San Francisco

2011 IEEE 74th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2011-Fall
5-8 September 2011, San Francisco, United States

The 2011 IEEE 74th Vehicular Technology Conference will be held 5-8 September 2011 at the Hilton Union Square, San Francisco, United States. This semi-annual flagship conference of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society will bring together individuals from academia, government, and industry to discuss and exchange ideals in the fields of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology. The conference will feature world-class plenary speakers, tutorials, and technical as well as application sessions.
We would like to extend our sympathy to those affected by the recent disaster in Japan. The Call for Papers deadline has been extended by a week, and further individual extensions for those in the affected area can be requested by emailing the TPC chair.

Submissions are open: http://vtc2011fall.trackchair.com/

Important dates:
Submit papers for review by: EXTENDED TO 22 March 2011, Midnight PST

Final papers due: 13 June 2011
Early conference registration ends: Hotel registration ends: 22-Aug-11

2011 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall)

2011 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall)

Sponsored by Vehicular Technology Society - VT

VTC will bring together individuals from academia, industry and government to discuss and exchange ideas in the fields of mobile, wireless and vehicular technology as well as the applications and services associated with such technology. Features include world-class plenary speakers, panel sessions, tutorials, and both technical and application-based sessions.

Conference Details


05 Sep - 08 Sep 2011


Hilton Union Square
San Francisco, CA, USA




Clint Keele
The University of Oklahoma
110 West Boyd Street
DEH 417
USA Norman OK 73019
+1 405 325 8089
+1 405 325 7066 (fax)

Conference #






Please see the conference Web site for full details.

Call for Papers for Conference Authors

The IEEE Calls for Papers database provides details for paper and abstract submission

Conference Focus

  • Application
  • Science


  • Exhibits
  • Tutorials

VTC2011-Fall in San Francisco

Welcome to VTC2011-Fall in San Francisco!San Francisco VTC Logo

Pictures of San Francisco

2011 IEEE 74th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2011-Fall
5-8 September 2011, San Francisco, United States

The 2011 IEEE 74th Vehicular Technology Conference will be held 5-8 September 2011 at the Hilton Union Square, San Francisco, United States. This semi-annual flagship conference of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society will bring together individuals from academia, government, and industry to discuss and exchange ideals in the fields of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology. The conference will feature world-class plenary speakers, tutorials, and technical as well as application sessions.
We would like to extend our sympathy to those affected by the recent disaster in Japan. The Call for Papers deadline has been extended by a week, and further individual extensions for those in the affected area can be requested by emailing the TPC chair.

Submissions are open: http://vtc2011fall.trackchair.com/

Important dates:
Submit papers for review by: EXTENDED TO 22 March 2011, Midnight PST

Final papers due: 13 June 2011
Early conference registration ends: Hotel registration ends: 22-Aug-11

IEEE Computer Society Calendar 2011

Follow Additional CS Conference News Briefs on Twitter Follow CS_Conferences on Twitter 

 January | February | March | AprilMay | June | July | August | September | October | November | December 

January 2011  back to top
4-7 JanuaryHICSS 2011Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
5-7 JanuaryWACV 2011IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA.
17-19 JanuaryDELTA 2011IEEE 6th International Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and Application, Queenstown, New Zealand.
17-19 JanuaryISGT 2011IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Anaheim, California, USA.
26-28 JanuaryICOIN 2011International Conference on Information Networking 2011, Kuala, Lumpur, Malaysia.
February 2011  back to top
3-5 FebruaryICCABS 2011IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences, Orlando, Florida, USA.
9-10 FebruaryESSOS 2011International Symposium On Engineering Secure Software And Systems, Madrid, Spain.
12-16 FebruaryHPCA 2011IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
March 2011  back to top
1-4 MarchPACIFICVIS 2011IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, Hong Kong, China.
1-4 MarchCSMR 201115th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, Oldenburg , Germany.
6 MarchCHANGE 20111st International Workshop on Computing in Heterogeneous, Autonomous 'N' Goal-oriented Environments, Newport Beach, California, USA.
19-23 MarchVR 2011IEEE Virtual Reality , Singapore, Singapore.
21-25 MarchPERCOM 2011International Conference in Pervasive Computing and Communications, Seattle, Washington, USA.
21-25 MarchICST 20114th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Berlin, Germany.
21-23 MarchFG 2011IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Santa Barbara, California, USA.
21-25 MarchSIMUTOOLS 20114th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, Barcelona, Spain.
22-25 MarchAINA 2011IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Biopolis, Singapore.
23-27 MarchISADS 2011
International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, Tokyo, Japan.
28-31 MarchISORC 2011IEEE International Symposium on Object / Component / Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, Newport Beach, California, USA.
29-30 MarchSELSE 2011IEEE Silicon Errors in Logic - Systems Effect, Urbana, Illinois, USA.
April 2011  back to top
2-6 AprilCGO 2011International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, Chamonix, France.
7-8 AprilEDP 201118th Annual Electronic Design Process Symposium, Monterey, California, USA.
8-9 AprilICCP 2011IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, Pittsburgh, Philidelphia, USA.
10-12 AprilISPASS 2011IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, Austin, Texas, USA.
11-16 AprilICDE 2011IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany.
11-14 AprilRTAS 2011IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
13-15 AprilDDECS 201113th IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Cottbus, Germany.
15-19 AprilCSO 2011The Fourth International Join Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, Huangshan City, Anhui, China.
20-22 AprilCOOLCHIPS 2011IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips, Yokohama , Japan.
25-29 AprilLADC 2011Fifth Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing, Sao Jose dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil.
27-29 AprilASYNC 2011IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, Ithaca, New York, USA.
27-27 AprilICISA 2011International Conference on Information Science and Applications, Jeju-do, Korea.
May 2011  back to top
1-3 MayFCCM 2011IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
1-5 MayVTS 201129th VLSI Test Symposium, Dana Point, California, USA.
4-5 MayVS-GAMES 2011International Conference in Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, Athens, Greece.
10-12 MayIMF 2011IT Incident Management and IT Forensics, Stuttgart, , Germany.
16-22 MayIPDPS 201125th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
16-18 MayISSST 2011IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
16-19 MayAICCSA 2011Rescheduled
(See December
Rescheduled (See December)
IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
16-18 MayICIS 2011IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science, Sanya, Hainan Island, China.
16-19 MaySSTC 201123rd Annual Systems and Software Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
17 MaySES-11IEEE Software Experts Summit, Mountain View, California, USA. Brought to you by IEEE Software magazine.
21-25 MayICSE 2011IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, Honolulu,, Hawaii, USA.
22-25 MayS&P 2011IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland, California, USA.
22-24 MayCSEET 2011IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
23-25 MayISMVL 201141th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Tuusula, Finland.
23-27 MayETS 2011European Test Symposium, Trondheim, Norway.
23-27 MayMSST 2011IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems, Denver, Colorado, USA.
26-28 MayISPA 2011IEEE International Symposium On Parallel And Distributed Processing With Applications, Busan, South Korea.
June 2011  back to top
1-3 JuneECMS 201110th International Workshop on Electronic Control, Measurement and Signals, Liberec, Czech Republic.
1-3 JuneEUROVIS 2011IEEE Eurographics Symposium on Visualization, Bergen, Norway.
4-11 JuneCCC 201126th IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, San Jose, California, USA.
4-6 JuneMSE 2011International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, San Diego, California, USA.
4-8 JuneISCA 201138th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, San Jose, Calilfornia, USA.
6-8 JunePOLICY 2011IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks, Pisa, Italy.
13-17 JuneJCDL 2011Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Ottawa, Canada.
14-18 JuneICAC 2011International Conference on Autonomic Computing, Karlsruhe, Germany.
19-25 JuneCVPR 2011IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
20 JuneSEW 2011IEEE Software Engineering Workshop , Limerick, Ireland.
20-24 JuneWOWMOM 2011IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, Lucca, Italy.
21-24 JuneICDCS 201131st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
21-24 JuneLICS 2011IEEE Conference on Logic in Computer Science, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
22-24 JuneNSW 2011IEEE Network Science Workshop, West Point, New York, USA.
24-27 JuneWICSA 2011IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
27-29 JuneCSF 2011IEEE International Computer Security Foundations Symposium, Vaux de Cernay Abbey, France.
27-30 JuneDSN 2011IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
27-29 JuneWET ICE 201119th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, Paris, France.
27-29 JuneDCOSS 20117th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, Barcelona, Spain.
28-30 JuneICPC 2011IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
28 June - 1 JulyISCC 201116th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Corfu, Greece.
July 2011  back to top
4-6 JulyISVLSI 2011IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, Madras, Chennai, India.
5-10 JulyCLOUD 2011IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, Washington, DC, USA.
5-10 JulySERVICES 2011IEEE World Congress on Services Computing, Washington, DC, USA.
5-10 JulySCC 2011IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, Washington, DC, USA.
5-10 JulyICWS 2011IEEE International Conference on Web Services, Washington, DC, USA.
6-8 JulyICALT 201111th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Athens, Georgia, USA.
7-8 JulyDIMVA 2011Eighth Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
11-15 JulyICME 2011IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Barcelona, Spain.
14-16 JulyT4E 2011Third International Conference On Technology For Education, Chennai, India.
14 JulyATE 2011Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Automated Test Equipment: ATEVision 2020, San Francisco, California, USA.
18-22 JulySAINT 201111th IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, Munich, Germany.
18-22 JulyCOMPSAC 201135th Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Munich, Germany.
25-27 JulyARITH 201120th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
25-27 JulyASONAM 20112011 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.
25-27 JulyMASCOTS 201119th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Singapore, Singapore.
27-29 JulyHISB 2011First IEEE Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Imaging and Systems Biology, San Jose, California, USA.
27-30 JulyCGAMES 201116th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Interactive Multimedia, Educational & Serious Games, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
August 2011  back to top
1-4 AugustSMC-IT 2011IEEE Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology 2011, San Jose, California, USA.
AugustHOT CHIPS 2011IEEE Hot Chips Symposium, Palo Alto, California, USA.
15-18 AugustICGSE 2011Sixth IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Helsinki, Finland.
15-18 AugustPASSAT 2011Third IEEE International Conference on Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
15-18 AugustSOCIALCOM 2011Third IEEE International Conference on Social  Computing, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
24-26 AugustCSE 201114th IEEE International Conference On Computational Science And Engineering, Dalian, Liaoning, China.
25-27 AugustNCA 201110th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
29 August - 2 SeptemberRE 201119th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, Trento, Italy.
29 August - 2 SeptemberEDOC 201115th IEEE International EDOC Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
30 August - 2 SeptemberAVSS 2011Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, Klagenfurt, Austria.
31 August - 2 SeptemberCIT 2011IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Pafos, Cypus, Greece.
September 2011  back to top
5-6 SeptemberECBS-EERC 2011Second IEEE Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia.
11-14 SeptemberASAP 201122nd IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, Santa Monica, California, USA.
12-14 SeptemberEISIC 2011European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, Athens, Greece.
14-16 SeptemberECOWS 2011Ninth IEEE European Conference on Web Services, Lugano, Switzerland.
18-22 SeptemberVL/HCC 2011IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, Pittsburgh, Philidelphia, USA.
18-23 SeptemberITC 20112011 IEEE International Test Conference, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California, USA.
19-23 SeptemberACSEAC 20112011 African Conference on Software Engineering and Applied Computing, Cape Town, South Africa.
19-21 SeptemberSAFECOMP 201130th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Napoli, Italy.
21-23 SeptemberMCSOC 2011Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore Systems-on-Chip, Aizu-Wakamatsu , Fukushima, Japan.
21-24 SeptemberCLASS 2011IEEE International Conference on Cloud Applications, Services, and Systems, Xi'an, China.
21-24 SeptemberICNDC 2011Second International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing, Beijing, China.
22-23 SeptemberESEM 2011Fifth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Metrics, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
25 September - 1 OctoberICSM 201127th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA.
26-30 SeptemberCLUSTER 2011IEEE International Conference On Cluster Computing, Austin, Texas, USA.
October 2011  back to top
3-7 OctoberSASO 2011Fifth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
4-7 OctoberLCN 201136th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Bonn, Germany.
4-7 OctoberSRDS 201130th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Madrid, Spain.
10-14 OctoberPACT 201120th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Galveston, Texas, USA.
10-12 OctoberCYBERC 2011International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, Bejing, China.
12-14 OctoberICJB 2011International Joint Conference on Biometrics, Washington , DC, USA.
12-15 OctoberFIE 20112011 Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA.
16-21 OctoberMODELS 201114th IEEE International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems , Wellington, New Zealand.
17-20 OctoberICNP 201119th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocol, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
17-18 OctoberGMC 2011Global Mobile Congress, Shanghai, China.
22-25 OctoberFOCS 201152nd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Palm Springs, California, USA.
23-28 OctoberVIS 2011IEEE Visualization 2011 Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
24-26 OctoberBIBE 201111th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, Taichung, Taiwan..
26-29 OctoberISMAR 201110th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Basel, BS, Switzerland.
November 2011  back to top
1-3 NovemberICINIS 2011Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems, Kunming, China.
6-13 NovemberICCV 201113th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Barcelona, Spain.
6-10 NovemberASE 201126th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
7-9 NovemberICTAI 201123rd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
12-18 NovemberSC 2011ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Seattle, Washington, USA.
December 2011  back to top
5-8 DecemberE-SCIENCE 2011Seventh IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Stockholm, Sweden.
12-14 DecemberSOCA 2011IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, Irvine, California, USA.
18-21 DecemberHIPC 201118th Annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Bengaluru, Bangalore, India.
27-30 DecemberAICCSA 2011IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
 Back to top
All conference dates are subject to change. Check conference homepage for latest information. IEEE Computer Society staff cannot guarantee the availability of Web sites not maintained by our staff. Please report any errors found within this calendar to calendar@computer.org


Farewell, Nagoya

Never have the stained gutters in Tokaidori Station looked so pretty, nor have the buildings outside the station with rusting windows, peeling paint, and yellowing signs looked so friendly. Sleeping right now is out of the question, since my last few hours in this house would pass without me even noticing it. Even the obnoxious thing outside my window is a little quieter tonight.

Tonight we went out to eat okonomiyaki where you actually grill it yourself. Knowing my host mother I assumed that she would brig a present, so I brought my present too. Sure enough, she pulls out a bag full of a pair of gorgeous chopsticks in a cute little carrying case, a card that everyone signed, and a picture CD, Stitch mug, and Stitch memo pad from my host sister.
So, I pulled out my photo album. My host mom was the only one who had actually seen the pictures at all, but I added a few more photos in at the end of me and my host family. It was all very fun, talking and exchanging presents and stuff, until I read the letters inside the card; especially the one my host sister wrote in English. I almost cried. Tomorrow is going to be bad, I can tell.

Things I will miss (in no particular order):
Japanese food
subways and trains
my host fathers weird habit of bringing bugs home
speaking Japanese well
my fluffy comforter
the ¥100 shop down the street
running in the park and seeing cute old people playing croquet
vending machines
breakfast (cereal, fruit, yogurt, some various bread or pastry, coffee, and a Japanese newspaper covered in Kanji)
my host dad's dorky hats
cute Japanese guys
the cleanliness of construction
my host family (of course)
sitting down at the table for dinner
being able to recycle absolutely everything
Mr. Donut
matcha flavored things

Things I am looking forward to (in no particular order):
speaking English
seeing my friends and family
cuddling with my pets
Mexican food
wearing short shorts and tank tops
being barefoot
public trash cans
being able to use a fork and spoon
being able to snack whenever I want
lotion that isn't weird Japanese lotion
showering whenever I want
not being that tallest person in a crowded room or subway
not being stared at when people walk past
seeing the Austin skyline as I drive home from the airport

Very bittersweet.

I'll see everyone 'tomorrow.' I don't know if time is really going to exist for me for the next 24 or so hours. I am arriving in San Francisco in the 22nd earlier than I left Tokyo on the 22nd, and I'm arriving in Austin 6 hours after I left Tokyo. Tomorrow is going to be the longest day of my life. Literally.

Disney Suspends Operations In Tokyo

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Disney Suspends Operations In Tokyo

So now, in addition to Tokyo Disneyland still being closed due to the devastating earthquake, administrative operations and operations at Disney Stores in Tokyo have also been temporarily suspended.

Nearly a week after closing its two theme parks in Tokyo in the wake of Japan's catastrophic earthquake, the Walt Disney Co. said it has temporarily suspended administrative and store operations in the city.

"Our top priority is the wellbeing of our employees and their families during this challenging time and we will continue to closely monitor the situation as it develops," Disney said in a statement.

One can imagine that at this time, the last thing on people's mind is to buy Disney items. So this is definitely a good move in Disney's part to make sure employees are not forced into coming to work when the situation is still changing each day and concerns about the nuclear reactors further north are still very strong.


Earthquake and Tsunami Stranded Guests At Tokyo Disneyland

The effect of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan yesterday has effected Tokyo Disneyland. Reports are coming in that the parking lot is flooded and that guests are stranded at the theme park. It also seems that the roads leading away from the resort may also not be safe to travel.

Hopefully, no one was injured.


Fun At Sea With Mickey Mouse

It's wonderful to be the Big Cheese!



Nagoya, here I come!

Just got a message from YFU on my answering machine(because my family can't answer the phone to save our lives)

I am going to......
Tochi, Minato, Nagoya, Japan! I'll be living with a family that has two daughters that are out of the house and I'll be going to school at Atsuta Senior High School. After much research, I've decided that is the name of the high school. But I'm not positive.

Nagoya is home to over 2 million people and is the capital of Aichi prefecture. It's the center of the Chuukyou Metropolitan area which has a population of almost 9 million people (that's huge!). The average temperature in the summer doesn't even get above 90 (bring it on) and yes...it appears to be on the coast! Hopefully I'll wake up to this castle every day: