Kamis, 29 Mei 2008
Minggu, 25 Mei 2008
TMF Consensus
- •Web/Java user interface
- •CORBA to link business application
- •SNMP manage the network
- –TMN AP Development Environment
- –GDMO/C++ Information Model API
- –CMIS/C++ Protocol; API
- –ASN.1/C++ ASN.1 API
Interoperable OSS : TMF Direction
Telecommunications Management Network (TMN)
•TMN project started fall 1985
•Initial recommendation CCITT M.30 (published in 1988) included work of several Study Groups
•Renamed to recommendation M.3010 in 1992 which defines basic principles for TMN
•The objective for the TMN specifications is to provide a framework for telecommunications network and service management
•ensures interoperability
•ensures scalability
•is mature (large amount of telecom standards in GDMO)
•provides security
•Relationship of a TMN to a Telecom Network
•TMN Functional Architecture
•TMN Information Architecture
•TMN Physical Architecture
•Logical Layered Architecture
M.3010 | Principles for a telecommunications management network |
M.3100 | Generic network information model |
M.3200 | TMN management services |
M.3300 | TMN management capabilities at the F interface |
M.3400 | TMN management functions |
•The basic concept behind a TMN is to provide a organized architecture to achieve the interconnection between various types of OS’s and/or telecommunications equipment for the exchange of management information using an agreed architecture with standardized interfaces including protocols and messages
- •Fault management
- •Configuration management
- •Accounting management
- •Performance management
- •Security management
Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008
OSS Abbreviations
3GPP | | The Third Generation Partnership Project |
3GPP2 | | The Third Generation Partnership Project 2 |
ACSE | | Application Control Service Element |
AAA | | Authentication, Authorization, Accounting |
ABC | | Accounting Billing Charging |
ABE | | Aggregate Business Entities |
AE | | Application Entity |
API | | Application Programmers Interface |
ATIS | | |
ATM | | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
B2B | | Business-to-Business |
BPEL | | Business Process Execution Language |
BPEL4WS | | Business Process Execution Language for Web Services |
BPML | | Business Process Modelling Language |
BSS | | Business Support System |
CAPEX | | Capital Expenditure |
CBE (OSS/J) | | Core Business Entities |
CBE (SID) | | Common Business Entities |
CCITT | | Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique |
CCM | | CORBA Component Model |
CDR | | Call Detailed Record |
CIM | | Common Information Model |
CLI | | Command Line Interface |
CMIP | | Common Management Information Protocol |
CMIS | | Common Management Information Service |
CMISE | | Common Management Information Service Elements |
COPS | | Common Open Policy Service |
CORBA | | Common Object Request Broker Architecture |
COTS | | Commercial Off the Shelf Software |
CRM | | Customer Relationship Management |
CWM | | Common Warehouse Metamodel |
DCML | | |
DEN-ng | | Directory Enabled Directories – new generation |
DNSSec | | DNS Security Extensions |
DIT | | Directory Information Tree |
DMTF | | Distributed Management Task Force |
DNSSEC | | DNS Security Extensions |
DSL | | Digital Subscriber Line |
DSLAM | | Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer |
DTD | | Document Type Definition |
EAI | | |
EAN | | European Article Numbering |
ebXML | | Electronic Business XML |
ECMA | | European Computer Manufacturers Association |
EDIFICE | | The European B2B forum for the Electronics Industry |
EJB | | |
EPS | | Eurescom Permanent Staff |
eTOM | | Enhanced Telecom Operations Map |
ESIF | | Emergency Services Interconnection Forum |
ETSI | | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
FAQ | | Frequently asked questions |
FCAPS | | Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security |
GGF | | Global GRID Forum |
HTTP | | HyperText Transport Protocol |
HTTPS | | Secure Internet Protocol |
ICT | | Information and Communications Technology |
IDL | | Interface Definition Language |
IEEE | | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IETF | | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IMAP | | Internet Messaging Access Protocol |
IP | | Internet Protocol |
IPCC | | International Packet Communications Consortium |
IPDR | | Internet Protocol Detail Record |
ISO | | International Organization for Standardization |
IPSec | | IP Security protocol |
ISO | | International Organization for Standardization |
ISV | | Independent Software Vendors |
IT | | Information Technologies |
ITIL | | IT Infrastructure Library |
ITU | | International Telecommunication |
ITU-R | | ITU - Radio Sector |
ITU-T | | ITU - Telecom Sector |
J2EE | | JavaTM 2 Platform, |
JAXP | | Java API for XML Processing |
JCP | | Java Community Process |
JDBC | | Java Database Connectivity |
JMS | | Java Messaging Service |
JMX | | Java Management Extension |
LAN | | Local Area Network |
LDAP | | Light weight Directory Access Protocol |
MAC | | Medium Access Control |
MDA | | Model Driven Architecture |
MIB | | Management Information Base |
MOF | | |
MSF | | Multiservice Switching Forum |
MTNM | | Multi Technology Network Management |
NGN | | Next Generation’s Networks |
NGOSS | | New Generation Operations Software and Systems |
NMD | | Network Management Domain |
NPF | | Network Processing Forum |
OA&M | | Operations Administration and Maintenance |
OAM&P | | Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning |
OAGIS | | Open Applications Group |
OASIS | | Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards |
OBF | | Ordering and Billing Forum (ATIS) |
OCAF | | Open Communication Architecture Forum |
ODP | | Open Distributed Processing |
OIF | | Optical Internetworking Forum |
OLO | | Other Licenced Operator |
OMA | | Object Management Architecture |
OMG | | Object Management Group |
OPEX | | Operating Expenditure |
OS | | Operating System |
OSI | | Open Systems Interconnection |
OSA, OSA/Parlay | | Open Service Access |
| | Operation Support Systems |
OSS/J | | |
PBNM | | Policy-Based Network Management |
PEP | | Policy Enforcement Point |
PIB | | Policy Information Base |
PIM | | Platform Independent Model |
PSM | | Platform Specific Model |
PBNM | | Policy-Based Network Management |
PSM | | Platform Specific Model |
QoS | | Quality of Service |
RDN | | Relative Distinguished Name |
RFC | | Request For Comments |
RFP | | Request For Proposal |
ROPM | | Remote Operation Protocol Machine |
ROSE | | Remote Operations Service Element |
SAF | | Service Availability Forum |
SCF | | Service Capability Features |
SDH | | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy |
SDO | | Standards Defining Organisation |
SFTP | | Secure File Transfer |
SI | | System Integrator |
SID | | Shared Information and Data |
SIP | | Session Initialisation Protocol |
SNIA | | Storage Networking Industry Association |
| | Service Level Agreement |
SMD | | Service Management Domain |
SNMP | | Simple Network Management Protocol |
SOA | | Service Oriented Architecture |
SOAP | | Simple Object Access Protocol |
SP | | Service Provider |
SQL | | Structured Query Language |
SSH | | Secure SHell |
SSL | | Secure Socket Layer |
TCP/IP | | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
TLS | | Transport Layer Security Protocol |
TMF | | TeleManagement Forum |
tML | | Telecommunications Markup Language |
TMN | | Telecommunications Management Network |
TNA | | Technology Neutral Architecture |
UCC | | Uniform Code Council |
UDDI | | Universal Discovery, Description and Integration |
UDP | | User Datagram Protocol |
UMD | | Utility Management Domain |
UML | | Unified Modelling Language |
USM | | User-based Security Model |
USP | | Unique Selling Point |
VACM | | Views-based Access Control Model |
VPN | | Virtual Private Network |
WAN | | Wide Area Network |
WEBM | | Web-Based |
WLAN | | Wireless LAN |
WSDL | | Web Service Definition Language |
XMI | | XML Metadata Interchange |
XML | | Extensible Markup Language |